All About Kids Ear Piercing

Most people think that children should get their kids’ ears pierced at a young age. Well for fact, you really should not get your kids’ ears pierced till they are about one year old. I would suggest the age of 4 though. The only reason why I suggest that is because your child can start to learn about how to take care of them. Grant it, you would have to do most of the work.

Let’s say though that you either have a kid that you want to get their ears pierced or you already have one at a young age and no one told you the proper way to take care of them. First, you have to know of a good place to get them pierced. Some really good places are the mall or stores such as Wal-Mart. Most people though get them at tattoo/piercing shops. That’s a big no-no. The reason why, is because they can use needles that, they don’t even know, have bacteria on it. I am not saying all tattoo/piercing shops just some.

I got mine pierced at Claries, and my friend got hers at Wal-Mart. It just depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how old you are. Most parents wait till the kid is about 10-13 yrs of age. Well to tell you the truth don’t do that. I got mine pierced at age 13 and man did it hurt. When they are younger it hurts a whole lot less. You just have to make sure they don’t pull and tug at the earring that the kid got it pieced with. Most people do the older age that way they don’t have to take care of it. When you’re older though most teenagers tend to forget to clean their ears, I remember that if I didn’t clean mine for even 2 days they would be infected. When they got infected I used the stuff that the people at the ear piercing place gave me.

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If no one gives you anything to clean your ears with then use hydrogen peroxide. All you do it wet a cotton ball or swab and either soak or wipe the front and back of the ear really well. I usually tried to get under the earring. Most of the time infections will last usually about a week. I bet your wondering how I know when my ears are infected. You will know if your ears are infected because, they will itch, sometimes burn, and are red and sometimes swollen. They will usually be a little puffy, but not really big swollen. If the itching either increases or won’t stop or you have a puss like consistency coming out of them you need see a physician.

Once you have had your earrings in long enough they should start to be fine. When is the right time to take them out most people asked? Well if your piercer person didn’t tell you, you need to leave them in for at least 6 weeks. Most people though I recommend leave them in for 8 weeks. If you take them out at 6 weeks then you should be very prepared for ear infections. I know I got at least 2 in the first week I had them out. I took mine out at 6 weeks instead of 8. What you should do after you take you take out the earrings that you got your ears pierced with is put another pair in. If you were turning them like you are suppose to then keep turning them till you have had your holes for about 3 months.

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Sometimes though you will see your holes turn a dark color when you’re not wearing earrings a whole lot, well don’t worry it its just dirt that does not usually affect the ear. Most of the time it comes out of your hole when you take an earring out. I sometimes take my finger and push the back of the hole forward and get some of the dirt with my finger nail. After all that hard work you just need to keep your ears clean, and keep wearing earrings so that way your holes don’t close.