All About Genital Pimples

Maybe it was your lover or something you discovered in the shower…either way, genital pimples are frightening and embarrassing. Like most people, you’ve turned to the Internet before calling your doctor – after all, it could be perfectly harmless, right? It’s possible, but it is also possible that you have a sexually transmitted disease. Do the right thing and call your doctor after reading this article.

What Causes Genital Pimples?

The term “genital pimples” can cover several different types of bumps. Genital pimples can be red and sore bumps or can look like a whitehead pimple or even a red, irritating rash. The type of genital pimple you have can help your doctor determine the cause. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, red bumps could actually be genital warts, also known as HPV . It may surprise you to learn that most sexually active people carry the virus responsible for genital warts, although few of them present with symptoms.

A raised, white bump can be caused by folliculitis, which is when a hair follicle because infected or develops an ingrown hair. This type of genital pimple is most common on people who shave or wax their genital area.

A rash or several small, red bumps that burst and turn into open sores could indicate a herpes infection. Newer infections tend to be milder and mistaken for pimples. If you’ve recently had unprotected sex, it’s important that you speak to your doctor and start treatment right away.

Are Genital Pimples Contagious?

Yes, what you perceive as a genital pimple can be contagious. If the bumps are caused by herpes or HPV, your doctor can recommend treatments for both you and any exposed partners. Using a condom is especially important to protect yourself from these types of infections and prevent passing it on if you already have HPV or herpes.

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Genital pimples caused by folliculitis are not contagious, but should still be treated to prevent a more serious infection from developing.

What Are the Treatments for Genital Pimples?

Not surprisingly, treatments vary based on the source of your genital pimples. If you have herpes or HPV, it is extremely important to talk to your doctor about a prescription. Herpes treatments have advanced significantly in recent years, and include pills taken orally on a regular basis to prevent outbreaks and also ointments and pills to decrease the severity of a current outbreak.

Treating genital warts is more difficult, and will likely require several visits to a doctor who can remove them for you. There are also medications available to suppress the growth of genital warts.

Genital pimples caused by folliculitis can generally be treated by keeping the area clean and applying hot, moist compresses. Depending upon whether the follicle infection is caused by a virus or bacteria, your doctor can also prescribe medication that will help heal the genital pimples more quickly.

Now that you know a little more about genital pimples, call your doctor to schedule an appointment to resolve your genital pimple problem as soon as possible.

National Institutes of Health, Folliculitis,
American Academy of Dermatology, Genital Warts,
American Social Health Association, Herpes Resource Center,