Alicia Silverstone Teaches ‘The Kind Life’ by Example

Alicia Silverstone is best known for her role as Cher in the movie “Clueless.” The movie continues to be popular and is often quoted to this day. She has also become very well-known as an animal rights activist, and her vegan lifestyle. Silverstone even made the news recently for a controversial method of feeding her son Bear Blu mouth-to-mouth after premastication (pre-chewing), with mixed reactions from the public.

Whatever people feel about Silverstone, she has always lived the life she preaches. She was born and raised in San Francisco after all (a city well known for its green living), America’s second greenest city, as reported by Popular Science. Here are the most important aspects of how Silverstone lives “The Kind Life” (the name of her blog), and how others can live the same way by her example.

She’s a vegan, in every sense.

Silverstone is a vegan, which means that she avoids eating any food that contains animal products. She takes vegan life a step further, however, by avoiding all items that contain animal products. For example, she tries to buy shoes, clothing, and all other household and other items, that are vegan.

That means she avoids buying products made of leather, wool, or other fur, skin, or anything else that comes from animals. It also means that even animals that are not killed for their fur will not have to live in captivity just to provide fur for a jacket or other product.

She lives healthfully.

TreeHugger discusses Silverstone’s organic garden, for the most locally grown, healthy food possible. Her book, “The Kind Diet,” focuses on eating seasonal, locally grown foods. That is not all; she explains in her blog about how she endeavors to buy all products, including clothing, that are organic. Silverstone reminds fans of her blog that products that touch the skin, or may put out fumes or other toxins, should be organic. Organic products she describes in her blog are friendlier to the environment, as well.

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She lives green.

By buying locally grown food, Silverstone ensures that those products will not be traveling from miles away in trucks and planes, which would cause pollution. According to CalFinder, she also has solar panels on her home, so she receives her electrical energy from the sun rather than from methods that create additional pollution.

She pushes for change.

Silverstone is a PETA animal rights activist, fighting for kind treatment of all animals. She is well known for her PETA activism, especially after she decided to bare all for a PETA PSA.

She shares her knowledge

Along with the PETA PSAs, Silverstone shares what she knows about kind, green living through her blog, “The Kind Life.” One of her most popular methods of sharing knowledge was through her “New York Times” bestseller, “The Kind Diet,” in which she shared her vegan diet and recipes.

Silverstone also gives her OpenSky subscribers examples of “kind” products they may want to consider buying. She even shares her opinion on various bills passed through Congress, as with the Food Safety Modernization Act.

In addition to those traditional methods of sharing knowledge, Silverstone has also used her talents as an actress as a teaching tool. Eden, her recurring character on “Suburgatory,” is also a vegan. In fact, she is a pregnant vegan. Through Eden, she has shared several tips for living a healthy, vegan lifestyle.