Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone Raised

The Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone Raised bed is said to be the number one air mattress around right now. I’m not really sure how true this is because I bought one of these beds a couple of months ago and I wasn’t all that happy. Now, I wasn’t all that angry either; there were things about the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised that I liked and I didn’t like.

First and foremost I think that the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised is expensive. I wasn’t at all expecting to be paying $260 for an air mattress but my parents were in town. And I know how my mother is when it comes to having a comfortable place to sleep.

I went shopping for the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised online but didn’t find anything. So I went to my local bedroom store to see if I could find something. The reason why I went to a bedroom store was because I found out that the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised wasn’t your average air mattress.It was more like your everyday mattress. This is how comfortable the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised was. Another reason why it was like your everyday mattress was because it was extremely hard to fold and store. I couldn’t find one place in my house to put the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised up at. Of course I could have left it set up because it sits 2 feet off the floor like a normal bed but that wasn’t what I wanted. I eventually had to take it over my sister’s house so she could store it for me.

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The Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised might have been hard to store, but it was extremely easy to set up. I didn’t have trouble butting the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised together, nor did I have to find a second party to help my do it.

The Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised isn’t an all around bad bed. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the fact that it made me feel like I was sleeping on a waterbed. This wasn’t hot at all. It was too bouncy and I felt like I was going to roll out of it before the night was over. Of course, I didn’t but that wasn’t the point. The point is the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised is a little too relaxed. At the same time, I can’t expect firmness from an air mattress, it’s not a regular mattress so the features and qualities are going to be totally different.

My mother on the other hand actually liked the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised. At the age of 50 she actually had some wonderful things to say about the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised. She felt like it did real justice on her lower back. She also said that she actually had a full night rest. So I can’t be the one to say that the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised was all that bad. But my personal experience has told me that the Aerobed Premier Comfort Zone raised wasn’t for me. I would prefer to actually sleep on your average old air mattress, at least I would be closer to the floor.