Tempur Pedic Mattress – Worth the Hype?

The famous Tempur Pedic mattress has been around for a while now. Still, there are not many reviews of the Tempur Pedic bed, at least not reviews by people who actually own one of these mattresses. I have owned a Tempur Pedic for almost two years, and I feel that is long enough to offer an honest review of the bed. In this Tempur Pedic mattress review, I will discuss both the pros and the cons of this curious mattress.

My husband and I had been thinking about buying a Tempur Pedic for a while, but were a bit scared of the price. He had an accident a few years back and as a result has a broken vertebra in his back. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is difficult, and he often complained of his back aching when he woke up in the morning. Even when we slept on my soft spring coiled pillow-top mattress, his back hurt him. We had heard that the Tempur Pedic was supposed to give the body extra support and thought it might help his back more than a regular mattress.

We ended up purchasing our Tempur Pedic mattress from a local dealer who carried the Tempur Pedic line in his store. However, due to the price of these mattresses, they were not a very big seller, so he was getting out of the Tempur Pedic business and we got a great deal on queen sized floor model CelebrityBed. The Tempur Pedic CelebrityBed with the foundation mattress is advertised on Tempur Pedic’s website for $3,500. That’s a serious chunk of change. At the time we purchased it, the CelebrityBed was Tempur Pedic’s top-of-the-line mattress. Shortly thereafter, Tempur Pedic came out with the BellaSonnaBed and the GrandBed. This review will only discuss our experience with the CelebrityBed.

The CelebrityBed contains an additional ultra-plush pillow-top and the entire bed is encased in cashmere. It is a very thick mattress, and we soon discovered that finding fitted sheets deep enough to cover it is a bit of a task. The mattress is 13.5 inches thick. The only sheets that fit well are extra deep sheets, and this, of course, limits sheets to a small selection.

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Since we had just moved into a new house, we had no bed frame for the bed, so we ended up setting the mattress and foundation directly on the bedroom floor. My old spring coil pillow-top mattress loses a lot of its comfort if it is set directly on the floor, so I was skeptical about how setting the Tempur Pedic on the floor would affect it. However, true to the salesperson’s word, the bed’s comfort was not at all affected.

Setting up the bed was a bit more difficult than setting up a regular spring coil bed. Since we purchased the mattress in late spring the mattress had warmed up a bit during delivery, making it bend and fold as the guys struggled to get it up the stairs. The mattress is extremely dense, too. I would not be able to lift it on my own, but my husband manages it okay.

At first, sleeping on the Tempur Pedic mattress was very different than any other bed I’d slept on. It didn’t feel particularly soft like my old pillow-top mattress, but it wasn’t stiff like a firm mattress, either. I kept jumping up to see if my body was leaving an imprint like they show on commercials, but I wasn’t quick enough to see the foam bounce back into place. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it, because it didn’t feel the way I expected. I expected to feel like I was lying back into soft caramel, where the additional pillow-top would rise up to embrace me. It felt more like I was lying down on nothing. I felt kind of weightless; the way a person feels when floating around on their back in the water. It took me a while to realize it felt different because there was no resistance coming from the bed itself. It didn’t sink low when I was on it, but it didn’t push against my body the way my old pillow-top mattress did, either. It took about two weeks to get used to the feeling, but once I did, I loved it.

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The Tempur Pedic is hands-down the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept on. There is no uncomfortable position, and it absorbs shock extremely well. I’m not brave enough to actually try jumping on the bed with a glass of red wine resting just inches from my feet, but my husband and I took turns jumping on the bed while the other person was lying on it. The person lying on the bed does not move. We’ve owned our Tempur Pedic bed for almost two years now and it still looks and feels as good as the day we bought it. My husband’s back problems have virtually disappeared, too. He feels very comfortable sleeping on the bed.

There are only two things I dislike about the Tempur Pedic bed. One is that once it heats up, the foam gets very squishy like a marshmallow. If it warms up too much, it loses its wonderful, lighter-than-air supportive qualities. My husband is a virtual radiator and he naturally exudes a lot of body heat, so if the room is too warm or he gets too warm at night, the bed gets squishy and our weight causes us to roll into the middle of the bed. Sometimes the bed gets so warm that it doesn’t support his back the way he needs it to. We tried putting a special mattress pad underneath the sheets that was meant to absorb extra heat, but it didn’t absorb enough heat. With winter coming on, this is less and less of a problem, but in warmer weather, the bed gets too warm almost every night. We are still working on a solution.

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The other thing I don’t care for is that the cashmere is so smooth and slippery that the fitted sheet comes off the same corner of the bed and slides off in the direction of the pile. I even went out and bought mattress suspenders to keep the fitted sheet from coming up, but the sheet still slides so much that the suspenders end up stretching over the top of the bed. I got tired of having to strip all the sheets off the bed in the morning just to reapply the fitted sheet, so we ditched the fitted sheets and lay down a king sized comforter over the pillow-top instead. This seems to have solved the problem.

Overall, these two problems are minor enough that I am willing to put up with them. The comfort of the Tempur Pedic bed is like nothing else and I will never go back to a regular spring coil mattress again. I could live in this bed, it is so comfortable. My back never aches because I’ve stayed in bed too long. If anything ever happened to our Tempur Pedic bed, I would not hesitate to spend the money to replace it with a new one. This is one product that truly lives up to the hype and the claims in the advertisements.