Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial 1.2

This is a tutorial for making a basic website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. This tutorial is the second of the set. In the previous tutorial we created a root file folder for you website on your desktop. In this tutorial we will talk about what to do with that folder. If you haven’t created a local root file folder you will need to do so before you can complete this tutorial

1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.

2. Click on the Site tab located at the top of the screen

Inside the Adobe Dreamweaver program there is a list of tabs at the top of the screen starting with File. Around the center at the top of the screen you will notice a tab labeled Site. Click on this.

3. Now click on the first option under the Site tab which is labeled New Site.

When you click on New Site a box will open up with various settings. At the top will be a space designated Site Name.

4. Name your site. Type this into the box labeled Site Name.

It doesn’t matter what you name your site. I’m calling mine everything_and_whatever because that’s the name of my business but you can call yours snicklefritz if you’d like.In the next step you will use your local root file folder that we created in the previous tutorial.

5. Assign the local root folder.Underneath the box labeled Site Name there is a box labeled Local Root Folder. To the right of the box is a small icon in the image of a folder. Click on this icon. A window will open allowing you to select the root folder we created in the last tutorial. Navigate to your desktop inside this window (probably by clicking on the icon labeled desktop in the left side of the window) and click on the folder we created in the last tutorial. Now click open. Now click on the folder that is labeled HTML. Click open again. Now Click select.

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6. Assign the image folder.In the box that opened when we click on New Site in the Sites tab, underneath the Local Root Folder box there is a box labeled Default Images Folder. To assign the Default Images Folder click on the folder icon to the right of the box. A window will appear. Navigate to your root folder on your desktop. Open that folder and open the HTML folder inside of it. Inside the HTML folder there should be a folder labeled IMAGES. Select this folder by double clicking or by highlighting the folder and clicking the select button.

7. Click Ok in the box that was opened when we clicked New Site under the Sites tab. By clicking Ok you will save your settings.

Congratulations! You’ve assigned your root file folder and your default images folder to your website inside of the program Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.
