Adele’s “21” Album

I absolutely love music and I know that I do not go a day without jamming to XM radio, one of my cd’s, or to a internet radio. I have already wrote an article about a favorite album of mine, but it was more of a compilation cd than a specific artist. My other favorite album of 2011 strictly by an individual is Adele’s “21” album. It is very good and if you actually listen to the words, there is a lot going on there.

This album is pretty much in the genre of soft rock and alternative. There are a few hit songs on this album that came out in Febuary of this year. “Rolling in the Deep” is probably the most popular song on this album so far, but “Rumor has it”, “Someone Like You”, and a few others are hits on the radio right now. Her songs seem to be very personal on this album especially if you tune in and actually listen to her words. This is not really the jam out type album, but a majority of the songs are very catchy. I really enjoy this album “21”. I never really listened to Adele’s music before, but now I am probably going to keep listening to her music to come. This is a great album that can really be bought at stores and online.

Music really helps me get along with the day. Adele’s “21” album is great and it is definitey worth checking out. This is my favorite album of 2011 so far; it is just a good mix of alternative songs and soft rock songs that are nice to hear anytime. I would reccommend checking Adele out and this album “21”.

See also  Top 5 Adele Songs