Adagio’s UtiliTEA Kettle: A Godsend for Tea Connoisseurs

Do you struggle to achieve the optimal temperature for your tea? Are you tired of slaving over a hot stove waiting for that almost-boil necessary to brew green and white tea, only to taste the bitter aroma of burned leaves?

If so, Adagio’s UtiliTEA Kettle may be exactly the product you’re looking for.

The Utilitea kettle is perhaps the handiest product I’ve ever come across. I’m a green tea junkie, but I’m absolutely lost when it comes to gauging water temperature. Well, it looks like it’s almost about to boil, maybe I should put the tea bag in now? Or should I wait a few more seconds?” I either burn the tea to where it’s bitter and undrinkable, or the temperature is too low and I end up with a limp, flat cup of tea.

Instead of a relaxing treat, preparing and enjoying a cup of tea became a nerve-racking experience.

After putting up with it for the better part of a year, I cracked: I bought the UtiliTEA Green Tea Kettle. It was much more expensive than my run-of-the-mill tea kettle I purchased at Target for under ten dollars, but it was the cheapest temperature control kettle on the market at just $49 plus shipping. And after using it for a few months, I can confidently proclaim it worth every penny–and then some.

The best feature of the UtiliTEA kettle is its color coded temperature control system. And it couldn’t be simpler: If you’re making green tea, you turn the knob to the green marker; for black tea, use the black marker; and so on.

The kettle is powered by an electric cord, making it convenient to use in the bedroom, office, or anywhere you can find an electric outlet. The kettle is detachable from its base, and the base does not heat up so it’s safe for use on all surfaces. And when the unit is finished heating it automatically shuts itself off, so your house won’t burn down if making a pot of tea slips your mind.

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The kettle even comes with a manual outlining optimal temperature for less-mainstream teas, such as Darjeeling, Roobios, and Oolong.

The unit is small and light, and holds a maximum of 30 ounces, which will make roughly four cups. It heats any amount of water quickly, even to a boil, and it’s relatively quiet. It’s sleek, streamlined, and extremely stylish. And best of all, it’s user-friendly. If you can turn a knob and push the ‘on’ button, you can use the UtiliTEA kettle.

I typically pour my water into a glass and steep my tea in the cup, but if you enjoy loose tea from the pot you’ll enjoy the built-in strainer to keep your tea clean and pure.

Since it’s arrived, I’ve yet to make a cup of tea without it. I have absolutely fallen in love with this product, and if you love tea as much as I do, you will too.

To check out the product for yourself, visit