A Review of Walnut Hill School, Natick, MA

Walnut Hill School, in Natick, MA was established more than a century ago as a boarding school for girls coming mostly from Massachusetts and the New England Area. Walnut Hill, perhaps because of its female clientele always had a penchant for the arts. But in the 1970’s Walnut Hill School experienced two major changes. First, typical of the 70’s, Walnut Hill School in Natick, MA shifted from a single gender to a coeducational facility. At the same time it determined to give even greater emphasis to what was already its major strength, its arts program.

What Kind Of a School is Walnut Hill. Because it is not your garden variety high school, Walnut Hill School takes a little bit of explaining. For those young people who are gifted in the arts it may well seem a little too good to be true. Walnut Hill School, in Natick, MA is just like any other high school in some ways and incredibly different in others.

Walnut Hill High School is the same as other high schools in that it provides a secondary education for those enrolled. If you attend Walnut Hill you will receive the academic training required for college entrance and the course work that will prepare you to take standardized tests and more than hold up your end on a high school transcript. Walnut Hill is a school where you will be able to socialize with other high school aged students and possibly make friends that will last a life time. Beyond these basics however Walnut Hill is a very different kind of school.

A Private Arts High School – Going to Walnut Hill is not like attending a public or charter school. Walnut Hill School, in Natick, MA is a co-educational facility but it is for both boarders and day students. While some private schools are centered around a solid academic program in a religious setting or a solid academic program with serious accommodations made to sports, Walnut Hill is a private school with a solid academic reputation that is centered on the arts.

Since its creation in 1893 Walnut Hill has been an educational pioneer, especially in the arts. Through the years it has built upon its initial successes and is recognized internationally as an outstanding It is such a distinctive program that it draws participants from around the nation and around the world. A viewing of the Walnut Hill on line site shows just how unique this school truly is. You will find the opening letter from the School Head offered in 10 languages in addition to English.

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The mission of Walnut Hill remains today to provide a compelling college preparatory program into which is integrated amazing pre-professional programs in the arts for young men and women in grades 9-12. Special arts programs are offered in ballet, music, theater, creative writing and visual arts.

An Excellent Example : Ballet The Walnut Hill School offering for students wishing to pursue ballet at the high school level gives a perfect example of the high level of concentration that is encouraged at the school.

All ballet students can expect to receive two to three ballet classes each day. Work is done at the students level of accomplishment and strength. Featured each day is a class often lasting up to two hours dedicated to ballet technique. Other classes offered will depend upon the students ability level but include things like jazz, modern dance and choreography. Students also participate in a course called “Special Topics” where they have the opportunity to explore concepts of special significance to those pursuing a career in dance. Students learn about things like how to prepare for auditions, how to eat properly and other diverse topics suggested each year by the students themselves.

The Ballet Department offers dance classes to students who are at Walnut Hill for other specialties but wish to also take dance lessons. These classes are offered at an appropriate level for non-dance majors.

What is incredible is that while all of this wonderful preparation for dance is being offered, students are also expected to keep up with the classes and homework given in regular college preparatory classes. This presents the need for a considerable amount of time management and commitment to ballet.

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Other Art Specialties. The program of studies offered in creative writing is called the Writers Studio. Each year begins with a two week concentrated look at the work of accomplished writers from the past followed by a serious of specially created courses to help diversify and improve the writing skills of young students. There are courses that concentrate on such genres as poetry, short fiction and playwriting.

The Music Program at Walnut Hill has added significantly to the schools international reputation. Walnut Hill is the only private school in the nation that offers a program in direct conjunction with a major conservatory. Walnut Hill students in music are given the considerable opportunity to attend master classes, receive private music lessons and attend performances at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. This is an incredible chance for instrumentalists, vocalists and those interested in music composition to truly learn from the best and to be working already at the next level.

How many high schools do you know where instruction in theater arts is available on a daily bases . Walnut Hill School is not just a school that puts on a really good musical once a year or participates in a state drama festival. This is a school where aspiring actors and actresses learn their craft is from top to bottom.

As for visual arts, young people coming to Walnut Hill as young artists will not be disappointed. During their stay at Walnut Hill School, in Natick, MA they will receive 10-13 hours of in class studio training per week. Along the way they will be putting together the kind of artistic portfolio that will give them the credentials needed to gain acceptance at the college level .

Life Outside the Arts. As one might expect, with so much of a students day already accounted for with regular academic classes and work in a specialized area, there is not a lot of time left over, even for boarding students for lots of other activities. Sports are not a big thing at Walnut Hill, though there is a fitness center. Special group activities tend to be offered on the weekends . With Boston less than 20 miles away there are lots of options to be explored.

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There are other school centered activities such as Yearbook, Community Service Association and the local Amnesty International chapter but you will not find an extensive catalog of student activities that are available in many other private and public schools. The young people here enjoy spending even lots of their spare time on their area of artistic interest.

Sign Me Up. How does one get in to such an incredible school? As one might expect those admitted to Walnut Hill have been carefully screened. Students must present a portfolio or an audition. A writing sample is required. Students must also submit one letter of recommendation from a teacher in the arts and two recommendations from an academic teacher. Lower school transcripts are also required.

What is really essential in applying to Walnut Hill is that the student be a fully committed young artist in his or her field of endeavor . This is not a school for people with a casual interest. Students here are highly skilled but they are also highly committed. You are not likely to do well at Walnut Hill if you have not already mastered a serious degree of concentration and self-discipline.

Walnut Hill School, Natick, MA can provide students with a pre-professional interest in the arts with a tremendous opportunity to develop their skill in a supportive and creative environment. It is up to the arts centered student to determine if that is what he or she wants out of high school.
