A Parent’s Role in Career Planning for Their Children

Most children and even teens have the weirdest ideas about the careers they would like to pursue. Their preferences are usually colored by media hype and latest fads rather a realistic evaluation of the career and how it may suit them. That is why you find that many adults change their course in mid career thereby missing a lot of early opportunities.

Unfortunately in the case of most people career planning has to be done at an early age when they are not ready to decide for themselves independently. They may not have the necessary data and wisdom to make a wise career choice. Other than highly talented people the nature of career people pursue ultimately is decided by the college or vocational training they join. To prevent children from making wrong career choices parents must play an active role in their career planning.

To find out which career would suit them best you can encourage your children to take some tests online for career guidance. The first step in career planning is to get admission to a good college that offers a suitable course to further your child’s chosen career. Children should be guided by their parents to take the SAT and ACT examinations that will provide the scores for college admission. At that age proper parental guidance is necessary so that children are encouraged to back their ambitions with the necessary academic effort.

Parents are best placed to help in the child’s career planning because they are well aware of their child’s skills, talents, abilities and interests which can form the basis of the career planning process. These are the qualities that will later develop into successful jobs and careers for the child. It is for the parents to then provide the guidance and resources needed to develop those qualities into successful careers. Parents can help the child to choose the right college by encouraging them to visit a few colleges. Children usually have a vague idea about future careers. Parents can help them to get a better idea about what each career option entails.

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It is the duty of parents to provide all opportunities and facilities necessary for the children to join a good college or vocational course to pursue their dreams. If the children have any special talents then parents can encourage them to take special training necessary to develop better skills so that they can channel their special talents into successful careers. All this does not mean that parents should hold hands all the time. It is the duty of parents to guide and stand aside, rather than to push hard.