A Guide to the Best Scottish Beer’s and the Famous Breweries of Scotland

Scotland has made beer in one form or another for 5,000 years. It can trace its brewing history back to the ancient Celts who produced a spiced version of beer. The brewery began to dominate the scene 3,000 years ago as they sprang up in Edinburgh and Glasgow. These towns dominated and became major exporters of beer to feed the thirst of the world.

Here in the United States we often call beer Scottish Ale when it low on alcohol content and hops. However, this is not the case with true Scottish Ale which is strong beer and tends to be high in hops content.

Here is a list of five of the top breweries located in the country and a few of the beers they specialize in.

1) Belhaven Brewery was founded in 1719 outside Dunbar, Scotland. Today it is owned and operated by Greene King. They are world famous for their pale Scottish Ale. This brew is fantastic. It is a lovely amber in color with a a small white head. Your first taste will be strong in malty goodness. This beer is a bit nutty in flavoring and tends to be a little bitter. But its a good beer that has stood the test of time and is well worth the love that is bestowed upon it by beer lovers around the world.

There are numerous other beers that Belhaven brews also. They make a fine Scottish Stout and they have even tried their hands at an Indian Pale Ale. One of their creations that shows just what a fine brewery they are is their Fruit Beer. Belgium tends to produce fruit beers but Belhaven has stepped in and outdone themselves with this one. I love the fruity taste this beer bestows on your tongue and the wonderful bitterness that it leaves behind. A find outstanding beer, in my opinion.

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2) Wellpark Brewery was founded in 1740 in Glasgow Scotland. Today it is owned by Tennent Caledonian Breweries which can trace its ownership down the chain to Anheuser-Busch. They specialize in two beers
Tennent’s Lager and Tennent’s Super and variations.

Tennents Lager has been called one of the best beers in the world by various reviewers. Its a nice pale gold in color with a creamy white head. It has a crisp taste and a bit of an after bitterness on the tongue. Not the best beer but not too bad.

3) Traquair House Brewery

This brewery is actually operated out of a castle where Mary Queen Of Scots once slept. The history of this place is very long and diverse. There are gates which lead to the brewery called the Bear Gates and tradition dictates that these gates shall remain closed and locked until a Stuart again rules Scotland. The brewery itself can trace its traditions back to the 18th century. Today the brewery is owned by Catherine Maxwell Stuart but has been formed into a limited company.

Traquair House Brewery is famous for several very strong ales. One of the best ales they produce is
Traquair House Ale which is a lovely strong ale with gentle fruit taste that lingers in your mouth after each sip.

They also produce a wonderful ale called Bear Ale. This is a very malty beer which I love. You can definitely taste the hops with each taste. A nice fruity bitterness will remain in your mouth after each sip.

You can actually purchase their many ales on line at,

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4) Valhalla Brewery is located in Baltasound, Shetland. It is owned by a husband and wife named Sonny and Sylvia Priest. Its a relatively new brewery. It founded in the mid 1990’s but has fast risen in popularity. Their first and most popular beer is the Auld Rock which they soon followed by several other varieties that are proving just as popular and delightful.

Auld Rock is a very dark Scottish ale that is high in hops and malt flavoring. It is an excellent beer and well deserving of the reputation that it has gained.

If you would like to check out Valhalla Breweries website to learn about their many other beers please visit.


5) Caledonian Brewery is located in Edinburgh Scotland. It was founded back in 1869. Today it is referred to as the Caley by the locals. This brewery is owned by Heineken. They brew a wide range of beers and they are quite famous for their seasonal beers which are very much anticipated by beer lovers around the world.

You can visit their on line website and even purchase beer from this location,


There is little doubt that Scotland has made a name for itself in the beer industry. They truly do stand out above the rest and their reputations are all well deserved.