A Guide to the 12 Judges of Israel

In the book of Judges we learn about the Judges of Israel. Before Israel had kings that ruled there were judges. These judges were not like our judges today. They did have judicial power like today’s judges but they were also the leader of Israel’s army. Here is a guide to the 12 Judges of Israel.

First Judge of Israel: Othniel
Othniel’s Reign: 40 years
Othniel was the first of the 12 Judges of Israel. The king of Mesopotamia had oppressed the Israelites for 8 years when God sent Othniel to deliver them.

Second Judge of Israel: Ehud
Ehud’s Reign: 80 years
Ehud had a great advantage because he was left-handed. Ehud hid a sword by strapping it to his right thigh. Nobody expected a soldier to be able to draw a sword from their right thigh because being left-handed was rare. So when Ehud went to pay tribute to King Englon he easily drew the sword with his left hand, stabbed King Englon and defeated the Moabites.

Third Judge of Israel: Shamgar
Shamgar’s Reign: Unknown
Shamgar is most well known for using an ox goad, a farming implement, during battle. An ox goad was actually a pretty common weapon in battle but the unusual part was that Shamgar was able to kill 600 men single handedly.

Fourth Judge of Israel: Deborah
Deborah’s Reign: 40 years
Deborah was the first and only female Judge of Israel. The story of Deborah is a significant passage since it is probably the first example of a female warrior, although Deborah did have help from General Barak and Jael when defeating the Canaanites and Sisera.

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Fifth Judge of Israel: Gideon
Gideon’s Reign: 40 years
The name Gideon means “detroyer” or “mighty warrior” and the name was fitting. God instructed Gideon to tell the soldiers that were afraid to go home. When Gideon did this 22,000 soldiers went home and only 10,000 remained.but Gideon was still able to defeat 135,000 Midianites.

Sixth Judge of Israel: Tola
Tola’s Reign: 23 years
Out of all the 12 Judges of Israel Tola is the one that is talked about the least All that is said about Tola is that he was Judge of Israel for 23 years.

Seventh Judge of Israel: Jair
Jair’s Reign: 22 years
There is also not a whole lot said about Jair in Judges. We know that Jair took over after Tola died and that Jair had 30 sons.

Eighth Judge of Israel: Jephthah
Jephthah’s Reign: 6 years
Jephtah was the Eighth Judge of Israel. Before battle with the Ammonites Jephthah makes an oath with God. If God leads Jephthah to victory then Jephthah will sacrifice the first person he sees when he returns home as an offering to God. When Jephthah returns home the first person to greet him is his daughter and Jephthah keeps his oath and sacrifices her.

Ninth Judge of Israel: Ibzan
Ibzan’s Reign: 7 years
Not much is said about Ibzan. He only appears in Judges for three verses and all we are told is that he has 30 sons and 30 daughters and he is the Judge of Israel for seven years.

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Tenth Judge of Israel: Elon
Elon’s Reign: 10 years
All that is said about Elon is that he was succeeded by Abdon and that he was Judge of Israel for ten years.

Eleventh Judge of Israel: Abdon
Abdon’s Reign: 8 years
Abdon had 40 sons and 30 grandsons. Abdon was the Judge of Israel for eight years.

Twelfth Judge of Israel: Samson
Samson’s Reign: 20 years
Samson is the most well known of the Judges of Israel. Many have probably heard the story of Samson. Samson killed a lion with his bare hands and killed 1,000 Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone. Unfortunately Delilah deceived Samson and Delilah cut off his hair, the source of his power.