A Family Tree Story: Tracing My Family Roots

I have to admit that when I saw this I am not sure where to begin in writing this article. You see I have been researching my family tree on and off for nearly a decade and it came to a reunion of my grandmother’s family on my father’s side. When I was growing up, I remember my grandmother telling me stories about her family and how they survived the depression in the 1930’s. I started researching the family tree in 1999, but had little success in that regard then I remembered that my grandmother kept a scrap or family album with photos and obits and wedding notices. This is where I began searching my family tree.

My grandmother always told us stories, in retrospect I should have gotten her stories on tape so that in the event of her death. My 1st real break came after her death in 2001. My aunt managed to make copies of the obits and wedding notices that she kept in the album. I began interviewing my aunts and uncles and my parents then by putting what I knew and from what they knew (my aunts and uncles) the family tree grew. I posted on several websites that I could not remember off hand, but did a few hits. Until I heard about ancestry.com when I started to put information that I found I managed to find my grandmother’s family it was not till a few years ago that we had a reunion and I have to admit that family tree is stronger than ever. I have still stuck on my grandfather’s side of the family but I have made connections and they are helping me in my quest to understand the family legacy.

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On my mother’s side of the tree it is like finding a needle in a haystack, she has one of those common names on her family tree so it is matter of separating the who is relative and who is not. I have managed to reconnect with some of my mother’s family and their children (my cousins) but some are so stubborn to this day. As the saying goes whenever family gets together it usually for weddings, graduation or funerals so we trade stories and catch up but nothing else.

So I continue the quest, with each new database that comes online as most counties across the USA are now entering the information and maybe I will get lucky one day and make the complete family tree. I am so amazed that every one remembers their cousins as they got older…I could barely contain my excitement when I met my 2nd cousins for the 1st time and my 1st cousins, once removed and their families. it was a dream come true. I never felt so proud to reunite my great-grandparents children’s family.

So those of you are considering the researching the family tree, it will take time and patience and a lot of luck. There are interesting stories out there, try to remember everything that your grandparents told you how their family came to America and how they struggle to get where you are and their family life when they were young. It is truly an interesting experience….I wish you all luck and happy hunting in search of your ancestors roots.

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