Band-Aid’s Active Flex Blister Block Stick Will Save Your Feet from Your Shoes

I was tired of dealing with painful blisters and even worse bloody skin and scarring if I wore my new shoes too long, so last year I decided to sacrifice style and just go for comfortable, feet-friendly shoes like flats and gym shoes. My feet felt great but they definitely didn’t look it, and as the weather started to heat up I hoped that there would be some product to help keep my feet from getting beat up by cute shoes. Because until that point the only thing I could think of was putting a Band-aid on my toes and heels and hoping for the best. I perked up when I watched the Tyra Banks show a few weeks ago and she said that she uses a Dr. Scholl’s product called Foot Glide to prevent blisters from forming when she wears her stilettos.

I went in search of the Foot Glide, at a local Walgreen’s and I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t sold there, but I did find a new product called Band-Aid’s Active Flex Blister Block Stick. Even though I’d seen an ad for the Blister Block Stick a few days before heading to the store, I wasn’t thrilled to cough up $8 for a product that I wasn’t sure would work.

But I was desperate to wear all of the shoes in my closet, so I bought the Blister Block Stick anyway, even though I really didn’t expect it to work. When I got the product home my fears weren’t eased at all after opening the package. It looked like a mini tube of deodorant, it’s solid and has a small dial that you turn in order to push the product up. When I applied it to my foot I expected it melt or go on thickly like deodorant, but it didn’t. The layer was so faint that I could barely feel it going on, so I made sure to rub it thoroughly across my heels, pinky toes, and on the sides of feet. After all of that I still couldn’t feel the Blister Block, before putting on a pair of kitten heels.

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These kitten heels have always hurt my feet even though I’ve worn them over 15 times, they’re narrow and they’re made of hard leather that doesn’t stretch as I walk. Normally I could only walk in them for two or three hours before I’d feel a blister coming on. So when I wore the shoes all day long last week sure enough, they began to become painful, rubbing against both pinky toes, I expected to see blisters on my feet when I took my shoes off. Yet I was definitely surprised to see that the skin on my feet only had an imprint of the shoes, there were no blisters in sight and no skin had been rubbed raw, it was amazing.

The next day I tried the Band-Aid Active Flex Blister Block Stick again and wore a different pair of shoes that I hadn’t broken in completely and had given me blisters a few weeks before. One of the shoes fit fine, but the other really rubbed against my foot and started to hurt. But after taking off my shoe, hours later my skin was intact and again no blisters.

So even though I had my doubts, I give the Band-Aid Blister Block Stick 5 out of 5 stars, and I recommend it to everyone who has bought a shoe that has given them blisters. It’s a tiny tube that costs $8 but it’s worth the money because it will last a while. This product works, even though you won’t be able to see it or feel it (which is actually a good attribute now that I think about it) and it will keep the skin on your toes in perfect condition. Just note that it won’t make your shoes more comfortable, and if your shoes hurt your feet they’ll still hurt, the Band-Aid Blister Block Stick just provides a barrier between your shoes and your feet to save your skin. It’s a great product and just make sure to keep it with you throughout the day in case you feel like you need to re-apply, but one application should last all day.