7 Foods to Lower Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes is a dangerous disease that is spreading its footprints worldwide. Even though many diabetic cases are hereditary, nowadays diabetes is also spreading due to unsustainable food habits and lifestyle. People suffering from diabetes need to pay close attention to what they eat and strictly monitor their blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar level is left unchecked, it can lead to serious or even fatal consequences.

Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, doctors suggest a complete overhaul of the diet. This involves giving up rich, sugary foods and switching to a diet that can maintain and lower the blood sugar levels. The general perception is that there are very few food options available for diabetics and they have to switch to a plain, boring and tasteless diet. However, this is not true as you will discover in this article. There are plenty of tasty food options available for diabetics that can not only maintain the blood sugar level but also lower it.

7 Foods are to lower Blood Sugar Level

1) Tomato – Tomato is a great food option for diabetics as it lowers the blood sugar level. And if you happen to be obese, including tomatoes in your meals would help you to lose weight as well.

2) Onions – Onions have a compound similar to the one that is used for producing insulin, which is why having onions is great for lowering blood sugar level. Onions may be consumed in raw as well as cooked form.

3) Soya bean – Soya bean is a rich source of protein, and it contains very less carbohydrates. Diabetics must include soya bean in the meals to keep the blood sugar level in control.

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4) French bean – French beans are a rich source of fiber and protein and they contain some complex carbohydrates as well. Doctors usually recommend French beans to diabetics, as they are a healthy option to lower the blood sugar level.

5) Lettuce – Lettuce is another great option for diabetics. It is low in cholesterol and carbohydrates and keeps the blood sugar level in check.

6) Brussel Sprout -A mixture of French bean juice and Brussels sprout, is known to stimulate insulin production. Hence it is highly recommended for diabetics to lower the blood sugar level.

7) Bean Decoction – Bean decoction is prepared by removing seeds of fresh beans and then boiling them in water for 3 hours. If you are looking for specifics then 50 grams of fresh beans must be mixed with 3 1/2 liters of water and boiled for three hours. Diabetics must drink a glass of this decoction every two hours for a period of six weeks to notice a visible drop in blood sugar levels. The bean decoction should be prepared every day as it tends to lose its blood sugar lowering property if stored for a few days.