7 Baby Products that Make Life Easier for New Parents

My husband and I were overwhelmed when we were expecting our first daughter. We were excited to meet her, but in our preparation became confused and overwhelmed by the endless products for babies. Besides the obvious baby essentials, what would make life a little easier over the next year? We quickly learned after her birth that some purchased items were used much more than others. From my experience as a mom of two, here are seven baby products that may just make life a little more bearable for a new parent:

Baby Swing

This is one of the most expensive items, but also one of the most critical in the first several months of your baby’s life. They range in price from $50 for small portable swings up to $200 for large fancy swings. Babies crave constant motion and obviously, parents cannot physically meet those needs. A baby swing will soothe and entertain your baby just long enough to finish making dinner or better yet, will help your baby fall asleep in the middle of the night when you need it most.

Sleep Sack

Getting babies to sleep is one of the most difficult challenges for a new parent. While babies can be swaddled in blankets, they will undoubtedly be kicked off soon after, leaving your baby cold and uncomfortable. Perhaps worse, a loose blanket could dangerously end up on top of your baby’s face. The sleep sack is a great solution. It will run you about $20 for one of these wearable blankets and can accommodate children as old as 5 years.

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Baby Bathtub

It is not easy bathing slippery babies, especially when they are newborns. Bathtubs make bath time pleasant and more importantly, safe for your baby. Some bathtubs not only accommodate newborns with a sling, but adapt to babies as they age. The cost of a baby bathtub will run you about $17-$35 depending on the features.

Changing Pad

This item is a must for babies and toddlers, and costs on average about $20. Changing diapers can be a messy and tricky process that is no fun especially when babies are sick. The cushioned changing pad comes with a removable cover that can be washed. You also have the option of securely attaching it to a dresser so that you can stand up when changing diapers.


This is another potentially pricey item that is well worth the cost! Exersaucers can run from $50-$150. However, it is hard to put a price tag on something that babies love! Various fun and colorful toys surround the baby while keeping it safe and secure in a comfortable rotating seat. If you need to cook, clean, or just take a sanity break, the exersaucer is a fun and safe option.

Shopping Cart Cover

The shopping cart cover is a simple yet useful accessory that on average costs $30. Using the cover on shopping carts protects babies from germs, and provides a much more comfortable seating area. It even accommodates hanging toys. My husband and I also used it in restaurant high chairs to keep our daughters more comfortable and help them sit upright. The shopping cart cover is washable and easily folds onto itself to become a convenient carrying case.

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Sound Machine

Last, but not least, the sound machine is a must for every new parent and costs as little as $20. Babies can be light sleepers and sometimes it’s difficult to give your baby the ideal environment for sleeping. Naptimes and bedtimes become even more complicated when there is a sibling(s) in the house who is on a different sleep schedule. Put the sound machine on a timer or leave it to run indefinitely. The white noise will block out all those pesky sounds that can wake your sleeping baby. The result is a well rested baby and happy parents.

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