6 Ways to Get Yourself Quickly Evicted from Your Rented House or Apartment

Getting kicked out of your rented home can turn your life into a nightmare. Obviously you’ll need another place to live. Finding an affordable place that’s as large as, or as nice as, your current residence can be a problem, especially if your rent hasn’t been raised for a few years. An eviction on your record will make potential landlords turn you away. An eviction will also adversely affect your credit score. If you want to break your rental agreement, there are better ways to do it. Read this informative article and find out 6 ways to get yourself quickly evicted from your rented house or apartment.

1. Stop Making Your Rent Payments

If you want to get the landlord’s attention and end up out on the curb, then quit paying the rent. Or, only offer partial payments which they are not required to take. S/he is in the real estate rental business to make money. No money from you means no roof over your head.

2. Turn Up the Noise

Let your child take up playing the trombone, or, even worse, an amplified electric guitar, and your neighbors are sure to notice. Turn up the volume on the TV or stereo repeatedly and your neighbors will likely complain. Better yet, host parties with a bunch of loud revelers and you’ll probably get visited by the police. “Disturbing the peace” is a violation of public law that can get you in trouble with the authorities, and your landlord too.

3. Get a Roommate Without Your Landlord’s Permission

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If you run into financial problems and it’s hard to come-up with your rent payments, moving a roommate in to share the expense is a common solution. However, if you sneak them in without talking to your landlord first, and properly putting them on the lease, you likely broke your rental agreement. This gives the landlord the right to promptly evict you both.

4. Adopt a Pet

Another way to get yourself quickly evicted from your rented house or apartment is to bring a dog, cat, or other animal into the household even though your lease prohibits it. Many rental properties don’t allow pets, and for good reasons. Dogs can be noisy and destructive. Cats can damage walls and woodwork by scratching. If you’re not vigilant about taking your dog outside to do its business or cleaning the cat’s litter box, your place can become a stinking mess.

5. Damage Your Landlord’s Property

If you, your spouse, significant other, kids- or even guests- damage the rental in a significant way, you’ll not only be evicted, but you’ll be charged for the necessary repairs too. Normal wear-and-tear to the house or apartment is typically expected. But things like ruined carpeting isn’t acceptable.

6. Break the Law in a Bigger Way

Renting a place to live is just like owning your home in that you can’t do anything you want in either dwelling. Just because your rent or mortgage is paid up-to-date doesn’t give you the right to, let’s say, use illegal drugs, grow/manufacture illegal drugs, or buy/sell them. In fact, another way to get yourself quickly evicted from your rented house or apartment is to get caught engaging in any type of illegal activity.

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