6 Simple Steps to Improve Skin Complexion

Skin saving advice is valuable regardless of your age. Everyone wants to look their best and one of the things you can do to help look your best is keep a healthy looking skin tone and complexion.

It is easier to say a good complexion looks nice than it is to achieve healthy skin tone and complexion, but there are a few tips that will help you keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

Include fatty acids in your diet
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition fatty acids play a vital role in skin health. Eating a diet that includes polyunsaturated fatty acids provides a small amount of protection from ultraviolet light, although the amount of protection is negligible compared to the use of sunscreens, but there are other skin benefits of fatty acids. Fatty acids may cause your skin to be less hypersensitive, leading to less blotching and fewer break outs. Fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties which aide skin tone and complexion.

Control stress for better looking skin
Stress and anxiety can cause a myriad of skin problems. Skin maladies from acne, to psoriasis, rosacea, and more can all be tied, at times, to stress reports Webmd.com. There is even an emerging field, psychodermatology, that is intended to study the minds connection with the skin. The point is that in order to better control your complexion it is important to get your mind and emotions in control. Take time-outs during the day to meditate, power nap, or participate in a hobby that helps relieve stress and tension.

Keep your skin hydrated
Smooth, supple skin requires adequate hydration. The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology indicates that “water is absolutely essential for the normal functioning of the skin and especially its outer layer.” Skin dehydration has been best repaired through the use of glycerol containing cosmetics. Use a moisturizer with glycerol to keep your skin from appearing dry and flaky. Well hydrated skin will have a healthy, supple, younger look.

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Use mild facial cleansers
Since hydration is important to skin tone and complexion not only should you use moisturizers, but when cleansing the skin you should choose cleaners that are mild. Mild cleansers will not strip the skin of all essential natural hydrators, like fatty acids.

Use sunscreen
You have probably heard this mantra for healthy skin over and over again, but its importance cannot be over emphasized. It is important to protect your skin from ultraviolet light through the use of sunscreen. Prevention Magazine recommends using a liquid sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater to coat your face and neck. You can also use both liquid and powder makeup that offers sunscreen protection.

Include antioxidants in your diet
Medicinenet.com confirms the importance of diet in maintaining a healthy skin complexion. Antioxidants can make a significant difference in the way your skin looks, feels, and ages. Antioxidants can be found in herbal teas, especially green tea, and a variety of berries, especially blueberries and acai berries.

A Sunscreen Love Affair, Prevention.com
Can Stress Cause Skin Problems, Webmd.com
Nutrients for Healthy Skin: Inside and Out
Nutritional Skin Care: health effects of micronutrients and fatty acids, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Skin Hydration: a review of its molecular mechanisms, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology – abstract