6 Ideas for Multiple Income Streams

Earning money is excellent, but wouldn’t it be even better if you were earning money from multiple sources and places? Now how awesome would that be?

It would be and can be very good, all it takes is a little time, preparation and dedication, below are a few multiple sources of income/multiple income streams which you might like to consider putting into place, to earn you even more money.

1. Create and Sell you own eBook, based on anything and everything, sell from your blog, website, or sell on other peoples websites.

2. Buy the rights to other peoples works, from eBooks to prints and so on, you can buy the rights and then make money by selling on.

3. Be an affiliate, sell peoples products, items and services on behalf of them and make a cut or commission in return = another source of income.

4. Start a business, this could be a part time or full time business that you could perhaps run from home or just at the weekends, look out for niches, start a part plan business, or perhaps even a direct mail order business, whatever you fancy doing, see if there is a market for it, if there is then do your research and go for it, this could be another way for you to earn some more income.

5. Be a tutor or teacher, teach or tutor people, kids or classes on anything you think would sell, from baking and cooking to organising and de cluttering. Being a teacher or tutor means you can work flexible hours and find even more income streams to work/fit around this.

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6. Get a part time job or do some moonlighting, work unsociable hours to bring in some more income and top up your income streams. Work on a temporary basis for example if you have children why not work nights or evenings for a couple of hours.


1. Write down all and any ideas you have, see if you can turn any of these ideas into nice little earners, be it on a full time or part time basis.

2. Do your research, find out what people are doing, what they need and what is missing that they want, fulfil the empty gaps or spaces and you should have a very profitable income stream.

3. Only apply or put into action 1 income stream at a time, as if you take on too much at once nothing will end up being profitable and successful for you. Its better to start off small and build it up, for example if one of your income streams would be tutoring, then advertise your tutoring, set yourself targets, for example how many students you want, or how much you would like to earn then get out there and find some students/clients, then when you are happy and comfortable move onto your next Idea.

I hope you have found this article both useful and helpful. Good luck in creating multiple income streams.