6 Healthy Birthday Party Snacks

Try serving some of these healthy birthday party snacks at your child’s next birthday party instead of the usual sugar-laced treats, and avoid sending the kids home with a sugar buzz.

Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Fruit with Cream Cheese Fruit Dip
Making a healthy birthday party snack fun to eat will help to get the kids excited about eating something healthy. Fruit skewers with a cream cheese fruit dip will be fun for the children because they get to eat off a stick and they get to dip the fruit in something. For this healthy birthday party snack you will need:

Chopped Fruit (melon, apples, strawberries, etc.)
32 oz. Jar of Marshmallow Creme
8 oz. Package of Cream Cheese (softened)

Place the fruit on the skewers and place in the fridge to keep them cold.
Blend the marshmallow creme and the cream cheese until it is smooth.
Serve the fruit skewers with a limited amount of the fruit dip, since it is a little sugary with the marshmallow creme, and watch the kids gobble it up.

Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Banana Pops
Another tasty and healthy birthday party snack on a stick, banana pops are perfect for your child’s next birthday party because they will be fun for the children to eat and they won’t be high on sugar when they are done.

Peanut Butter (softened)
Chocolate Sprinkles

Place half of a peeled banana on each skewer and place all of them in the freezer for 2 hours, or until the bananas have hardened.
Roll each banana skewer in the softened peanut butter and then in the granola.
Once the bananas are covered in peanut butter and granola place them back in the freezer for another 2 hours and then serve them to the hungry children.

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Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Cheese Quesadilla Puzzles
Aren’t parents always telling their young children, “Don’t play with your food? Then the children at your child’s next birthday party with love this fun and healthy birthday party snack that they can play with.

Tortilla Shells
Mexican Mix Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Salsa and Sour Cream (optional)

Heat a frying pan large enough to fit the tortilla shells on a medium flame.
Place one tortilla shell in the pan, cover that shell with the shredded cheese mix, and then place another tortilla shell on top.
Put the lid on the pan and allow the cheese to melt for about 3-5 minutes, then flip the quesadilla so that the other tortilla shell can brown.
Once the quesadilla is cooked place it on a plate and cut it into puzzle pieces. Mix the pieces up and tell the children to solve the puzzle before they dig in.
Optional: You can serve this healthy birthday party snack with salsa and sour cream if you wish to.

Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Yogurt Bar
Instead of having a sunday bar at your child’s next birthday party, why not have a yogurt bar? You can offer the children a bowl or an ice cream cone just like you would with a sunday bar. Then have them fill whichever they choose with vanilla yogurt and their choice of toppings. You can offer blueberries, strawberries, granola, raisins, pineapples, melon, mini chocolate chips, bananas, or any other healthy toppings you can dream up. The kids will love this healthy birthday party snack because they get to use their creativity to make their own snack.

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Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Deviled Eggs
I’m not a big fan of eggs, never have been, but there is one way that I love an egg-deviled. To make this snack really fun for the kids, give them chopsticks to eat the deviled eggs with, and then watch them laugh at one another as they try to figure out how to pick up the deviled eggs with their chopsticks.


Boil the desired amount of eggs (remember each egg with make 2 deviled eggs).
Once the eggs are hard boiled, peel the shells off, be very careful not to tear up the egg when you are doing this.
Once all the eggs are peeled cut them in half longways.
Scoop out the yoke in a bowl and place the white of the egg on a plate.
Once all the yokes and white are separated, mash up the yokes really fine with a fork.
Add mayonaise one spoon full at a time until you have achieved the consistency desired.
Then add mustard for taste, a little at a time, tasting along the way.
Place a spoon full of the yoke mixture into each egg white.
Once all the egg whites are filled, sprinkle paprika on the top of each egg for look.

Healthy Birthday Party Snacks: Do-It-Yourself Trail Mix
Just like a yogurt bar, you can offer the kids a Ziplock bag and a wide variety of trail mix ingredients for them to choose from. Have the kids mix their own trail mix and then they can enjoy this healthy birthday party snack. Below are some trail mix ingredient suggestions:

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Dried Pineapple
Dried Banana
Mini Chocolate Chips
Sunflower Seeds

Hopefully the kids at your child’s next birthday party will enjoy at lead one of these healthy birthday party snacks, and you won’t have to deal with the typical birthday party sugar buzz.