6 Cheap or Discount Hearing Aids Available Online

Hearings aids are undoubtedly expensive, and what with the increasing rates of health insurance, there’s a need more than ever to find cheaper, discounted medical supplies. Here are six hearing aids that are quite inexpensive and available online.

1. Ampli Ear – available at www.ampliear.com
Ampli Ear is probably the cheapest hearing aid on the market in America. It’s only $34.50 for each piece. Tested by the American Research Institute, the Ampli Ear passed with 100 out of 100 points. The pieces are small and fit right in the ear, plus there’s an option for sound adjustment. The silicone ear tips provide maximum comfort, and with its small size, the wearer doesn’t feel like he’s there’s something bulky hanging from his ears. When purchased straight from the manufacturer, there’s a risk-free trial for one month. As with anything purchased from the internet, the buyer should take to heart the saying “Buyer beware.” However, he should also keep an open mind – as even inexpensive hearing aids can be just as good as the higher-end ones.

2. Digi Ear D1
The Digi Ear is one of the easiest hearing aids to use, and it’s very affordable, though not as cheap as the Ampli Ear. It costs around $300, but it also comes with a one year warranty. The Digi Ear (there are three versions) has three nozzle soft-tips sizes, so that it can be easily adjusted to fit virtually any ear. Older users won’t have to fumble around with the Digi Ear because it’s easy to use, but smaller sizes means more nimble fingers. However, the Digi Ear lives up to its standards even for the low cost. Purchase the Digi Ear at www.hearingaidcentral.com.

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3. Sound Device 001c
This hearing aid provides low to medium sound amplification. Again, this is a small hearing aid that fits into the ear. As with all small hearing aids, it will be virtually impossible to see once in the ear, but it might be difficult to put on with older users. The shape of the hearing aid is very important; the Sound Device 001c is shaped so that it fits in almost every ear. Purchase this hearing aid at earwear.net for $269.

4. Open Ear
The Open Ear is another new hearing aid, but it’s small just like the ones above. It’s a bit pricier, though (about $600) but there’s a 14-day trial and a 30-day money back guarantee if purchased from nextdayears.com. The device fits either ear, but some of its components have to be worn behind the ear (although it’s supposed to be invisible, the ones I saw were not quite invisible on the wearer. It may be different for others). It’s moisture resistant, which means users won’t have to worry about unexpected rainfall. It’s great value for hearing aids, but the buyer should ask questions (by calling the toll-free number) about the sizing.

5. Hearpod
Starting at around $400, the Hearpod is another digital hearing aid that’s heavily discounted. It’s got silicone tips so there’s no need for molds, but the buyer should always ask if there is some sort of guarantee that it will fit. There’s an extended warranty feature that you can purchase, but unfortunately there’s no “risk-free trial.” The buyer will have to contact his physician in order to see whether Hearpod (or the other hearing aids listed) will be compatible. The Hearpod can be customized to the wearer’s diagnosis, so an audiogram is required. Purchase the Hearpod at www.myhearpod.com.

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6. Earmate 4000
This digital hearing aid is available with 3 sizes of ear tips, but the piece fits in either ear. The pair is priced mid-range (about $600) available hearinghelpexpress.com. The Earmate also has a unique wax protection system. Its pull-out knob allows easy removal and insertion; great for people with fumbly fingers or large fingers. The user’s preferred volume can be locked, making use of the Earmate 4000 easy. This is perhaps the better option for those who want an inexpensive, but mid- to high-quality, hearing aid.

There are many more discounted, cheap hearing aids out there, and most of them can be purchased online. However, if there’s an option to speak with a representative or to order via printed catalogue, check with those options first. As always, buyers should purchase with extreme caution whenever the purchase involves high amounts of money. These hearing aids may have been compatible for me, but they may not be for others. These six hearing aids, though, are a great place to start the search.