5 Tips for Getting Back into Dating After Divorce

For many divorced individuals getting back into the dating world is the equivalent of having a root canal. It’s not something that one looks forward to but it is something that must be done. In other words, it’s a necessary evil. Kind of like paying taxes right?

Coming off of a failed marriage makes it very difficult for most individuals to adapt to being single again. And the thought of jumping back into the dating pool brings with it a whole set of complicated issues, questions and concerns. And rightfully so.

The good news is that there are several things that a divorced individual can do which will help them navigate dating and being single again.

  1. Close the Door on Your Past – One of the biggest mistakes divorced individuals make is not taking the time to be emotionally ready before getting back into dating scene. More often than not divorce leaves a lot of unresolved issues and questions residing within an individual. If an individual is going to get back into the dating scene is imperative that any past issues are resolved and the person has closure so that they enter a new relationship for the right reasons.
  2. Look Before You Leap – Because dating is such an emotional experience for most individuals. It is not uncommon for many single men and women to lead with their heart instead of their head. Jumping into relationships too quickly is one the most common mistakes singles make. Taking some time to date a person and get to know them before jumping into a relationship will greatly increase your chances that you enter a relationship with the right person for the right reason.
  3. Define Your Destination – You wouldn’t go into a restaurant and just asked for food would you? I hope not. The more specific and clear you are, the greater the chances are that you will leave the restaurant satisfied. Well, dating, works the same way. Know what your reason for dating is. Are you just looking to have some fun? Are you looking for serious relationship? Do you want to get married again? Knowing the end result that you desire will keep you focused and make it easier for you to stay on course. And in the event you do stray from your goal, knowing where you want to go will help you make the right decisions so you can get back on track.
  4. Use Your Head and Your Heart- You have a much greater chance of eliminating the frustration and drama of dating if you learn how to manage your emotions. The best way to do this is by learning how to think with your head and see things objectively. Those individuals who get all caught up in the emotional excitement of dating often realize that the choices and decisions that they make usually lead to disappointment, frustration and heartache.
  5. Bullet Proof Yourself – Dating, especially after a divorce, can often leave a person feeling like they have been kicked and beaten . It would be wonderful to say that individuals never lie, misrepresent themselves or tell a person just what they want to hear, just so they can get their way. But that’s not reality. Dating is simply a numbers game, and the more you learn not to take things personally, the easier it will be for you to have a good dating experience.
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Getting back into the dating scene after a divorce can be intimidating for many. But it doesn’t have to be. By utilizing these five tips you give yourself a much better chance of becoming a smarter dater and therefore, you will learn how to make dating a happier and more enjoyable experience…no matter what your past has been like.