5 Simple Steps to Start a Flower Garden

Starting a flower garden can be fun and easy. My gardening experience started as a project for my 4-year old daughter and I to spend some quality time together. It turned out better than I could ever imagine. Now we look forward to planning the garden every year. There are so many different things to try and the experience is truly gratifying. Use the following five steps to start your very own flower garden.

Step 1: Determine where you are.One of the most important factors in planning your garden is location, location, location. Most of the decisions you make will be dictated to you by your location. Start with where you live. Use the USDA ‘” Plant Hardiness Zone Map to determine your zone. The zone number is based on the average minimum temperatures expected in the region and will guide you as you select plants for your garden.

Step 2: Sun exposure.The next consideration for your garden is the amount of sunlight it receives. Plants are usually grouped by how much direct sunlight they can handle. Some plants can enjoy full sun, others need partial sun, and some require shade to succeed.

Step 3: Get to know your dirt.The type of soil you have will impact your flower choices. Sandy soils usually drain quickly but do not retain moisture well. Clayey soils retain lots of moisture but drain much slower. There are ways to modify the ground but if you are just starting out, go with what you have got.

Step 4: Select your plants.By knowing the location of your flower garden you can determine your hardiness zone and the amount of sun the garden receives. Use this information combined with your soil type to start selecting flowers for your garden. Do a little online research and make a list of the flowers you would like to grow. Check to make sure the flowers fit the parameters for your specific garden. While doing your research be sure to note when the recommended planting dates are for those plants.

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Step 5: Plant your flower gardenOnce you have selected the flowers you would like to try growing in your garden, check the calendar to see which flowers you are going to plant. There are two ways to plant flowers in your garden. You can start from seed or plant live plants. When first starting out, I used combination of both. So pick out some live plants, get some seeds, and do a little experimenting to see what works for you.

Using these five simple steps you can start a flower garden of your very own. Once you get going you can add, subtract, and try all sorts of things. So let your creative side go wild and you will find that you anticipate each day to see your creation become a thing of beauty.