5 Presents for Dad that Are Better Than a Tie

Do you get your dad the same boring presents every year for Father’s Day? Try branching out and using a little creativity to get Dad a present that he’ll love to get. Here are five ideas to get you started.

1. Tickets to the Game.

Dads are guys and most guys like sports. So this year, get your dad a ticket to see his favorite team play a game, and get yourself a ticket to go with him. If he likes baseball, you’re in luck because it’s in season. If he’s more a winter sport fan, buy tickets in advance and tell him to mark his calendar. Football games can be tough to find tickets for, but if you start looking early and check sites like eBay and craigslist, you’ll probably find something. If you look early, you can often find what you’re looking for and not drain your bank account, even for pretty decent seats. Even if you can’t get the tickets by the17th, check the date off the calendar and in your Father’s Day card, tell him to do the same, since you have a game to go to.

2. Gift Cards

Dad’s like shopping, as long as it’s shopping for something they love. Don’t purchase a gift card to just anywhere, but figure out what his favorite place would be. Does he love to work on cars? Checker Auto might be a good choice if he does. Love to read? Barnes and Noble or Borders might just be a perfect idea. Does he hunt or fish every chance he gets? Gander Mountain or Cabella’s are probably two of his favorite places. If he’s an outdoors man with a passion for hiking and camping, REI would be a great choice. Maybe he loves technology and can’t live without his ipod? Grab a gift card from the Apple store. And if he’s world jet-setter, a gift card to his favorite airline will set him off onto his next trip. Most airlines offer gift cards, and while you may not be able to cover the entire cost of a flight, he’ll probably appreciate the lower charge for his next fare. Whatever gift card you decide on, make sure it’s something he loves to do and will love to use.

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3. Golf Supplies/Tee time

Many men love to golf. And many have a variety of gadgets to go with their clubs, bag and shoes. However, golf equipment can be expensive and if you know there’s something your dad’s been eyeing, check out a few stores to price compare. Maybe he needs a new bag? Or his covers are getting a bit worn and dirty. Maybe his driver needs to be re-gripped. Whatever he might need, you can find at a golf specialty store and remember, you can probably find it for less on-line as well. If there’s nothing he really needs or wants for his game, buy him a pack of Titleist balls and set up a tee time for the two of you to play a round of 18 together.

4. A Weekend Away

This is a perfect choice if you have siblings that would like to give a gift to your dad together. Do you know his favorite vacation spot? Or at least a place you think he’d love? Depending on his schedule, send him off for a long weekend. If his favorite thing to do is fish at a cabin, rent one for him, get him a gas card for the trip’s fuel, and if he doesn’t have a boat, make sure there’s one at the cabin with his name on it. If he enjoys white sandy beaches and romantic sunsets, find a beach resort and a cheap flight on an airline like jet blue. Of course, with this one you will probably need to send along your mom too, so this may be better for larger families with more people to contribute to the costs. If you don’t have a ton of money to use, try to find a great place near home. Quaint bed and breakfast’s don’t have to cost a ton but many are in small towns with tons of charm where wine-tasting and brewery tours are as common as canoing and hiking. Find a place that’s nearby but not your run of the mills Super 8.

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5. Team Gear

If you’d like to use option number 1, but your dad’s favorite team is across the country and you’re on a limited budget, do the next best thing. Buy an official jersey from the team website. Of course, these can be expensive and if your funds don’t stretch quite that far, a sweatshirt, t-shirt or hat will probably put a smile on his face. If you’re in college and play on a team, get your dad something from your school that he can wear and show off to his friends. If he can make it to your games, he’ll love having the proper attire for cheering. If he’s a Twins fan living in Chicago, he’ll love driving White Sox fans crazy. He’s far more likely to wear it than some ugly tie, at the very least.

Keep in mind when shopping for your dad this Father’s day, that no matter what you get him, he’ll probably love it because you got it for him. Some dad’s will wear those hideous ties for years just so we know how much they appreciate getting them. But in the end, it’s pretty easy to get your dad a great present that isn’t run-of-the mill and doesn’t look just like last year’s present. You can even make some of these gifts annual traditions that aren’t boring. Set up a golf game every year at a new course he hasn’t played. Or send him for a vacation weekend to a new destination every June. You don’t have to spend a ton, but a little creativity can go a long way. And isn’t your dad worth it?