5 Fun Outdoor Activities for Families

It’s time to celebrate Great Outdoors month with 5 outdoor activities full of fun for families. For some of you this will mean pulling out the camping gear and heading to the nearest camping ground. Others will purchase tons of insect repellent and sunscreen. Maybe you will uncover your bicycle, oil the chain, and pump up the tires. Perhaps you prefer walking trails or swimming at the beach. Whatever you enjoy doing outdoors, be sure to join in the celebration of Great Outdoors Month!

Camping can be great outdoor fun for everyone.
Oooo! That sounds scary. Creepy crawly bugs, big bad bears, wolves, coyotes, and things that go bump in the night. Or maybe your fears are about your personal comfort level. What do you think about outdoor toilets, open air showers, and sleeping on the hard ground? Camping doesn’t have to be so uncomfortable. Let your adventuresome family members sleep in the tents and brave the cold showers. Pull your own home on wheels or spend the night in a local hotel, then join your nature hungry counterparts in the park during the day. There will be plenty of time for fishing, hiking, cycling, and weenie roasts when you arrive refreshed and ready to face the day.

Hiking is for the brave outdoors person and the not so brave.
Almost anyone can appreciate a walk thru the woods. Mature walkers can stroll, toddlers can toddle along, and kids can run off some of their pent up energy. Nature trails can be found almost anywhere. Some are paved and others offer a more natural covering of dirt, rocks, and leaves. Many city parks have walking trails which can be located by contacting your local parks and recreation department. Plan to discover the walking trails in your area and prepare to enjoy the great outdoors as well as improve your health.

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Cycling is a fun outdoor activity for all ages.
When you think of cycling don’t think cross country speedsters with thousand dollar streamlined bikes and equipment. Instead think of a leisurely ride on a designated bike trail. Most children love riding their bikes and you can attach a special seat to your own bike for the smaller members of your family. Pull out that Christmas bike and put it to work.

Picnics: outdoor fun for everyone.
All outdoor activities need not require strenuous exertion. Pack a simple picnic lunch and head out with a blanket and your favorite book. There are numerous city and state parks which offer a wonderful place to enjoy the great outdoors without going too far from home. Call your local department of parks and recreation to discover places nearby which you have never visited. Maybe transportation is problem. You can spread a blanket on any surface be it grass, hill, concrete or dirt. Just plop down and enjoy your picnic wherever you are. Sure the kids may have preferred a trip to the park with swings and slides, but that can wait for a more opportune time. Right now just get them and yourself outdoors to enjoy the outdoors itself.

Fishing: outdoor family fun on a line.
Fishing may seem daunting because you think you need a pole. Maybe you do, but fishing line wrapped around a stick is just as exciting for a child as the tournament rods used by professional fishermen. Local department stores carry a variety of reasonably priced fishing equipment. Even if every family member does not enjoy this gaming sport, many fishing locations offer a variety of entertainment to keep each family member happy and busy. Call your state and local parks and recreation departments to locate a family friendly fishing spot.

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Whatever your passion find a way to do it outdoors. We live in a wide and wonderful world let’s start taking advantage of all it has to offer. Just head outdoors for fun activities!
