5 Family Bonding Activities

It is important to plan family bonding activities because they build strong family relationships. I have three children and know firsthand that sometimes they don’t feel loved. I cherish my children, but I know that I have to take time out of my schedule to plan family activities with them. Spending time with children shows them that you love them because actions speak louder than words. If you are trying to get closer to your children, try these five family bonding activities that are great for children of all ages.

1. Families bond by looking through photo albums together

One way that I bond with my children is by looking through photo albums. Looking at pictures brings back good family memories. If my kids take out the albums, I stop what I am doing to join them. When looking at baby pictures I comment on how cute and fun they were as a baby. I point out what the photographs were taken of by telling them if we were on vacation, celebrating a birthday, or doing something else.

2. Families become closer by putting puzzles together as a team

One way to become closer as a family is by putting puzzles together. Since everyone must work together, it causes families to bond. It shows children that you are willing to spend time with them to complete a fun project.

3. Families bond by playing Mad Libs

Mad Libs are a book, game, and educational tool in one. One person asks everyone else to fill in blanks to complete a story. The blank lines tells you to pick a verb, noun, adjective, adverb, color, or body part. I enjoyed this activity as a child, and now I enjoy playing it with my children. This is a great activity because the stories make everyone laugh, creating good family memories.

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4. Playing Cranium Whoonu forms strong family bonds

Cranium Whoonu is a great game that I own. It helps families bond by getting to know one another better. Every player takes turns guessing what each person’s favorite activity is from the list of cards they are given. This game is aimed toward children who are at least 8-years-old, but younger siblings can participate with the help of a parent.

5. Families bond by going on vacation or camping together

Camping and family vacations are a great way for families to bond. Camping is ideal when the weather permits because there are no electronics involved. Instead, families participate in activities such as hiking, talking to one another around the campfire, and making s’mores. Cabins are a great alternative to tents when the weather is cooler.

It is important to tell your children you love them every day, but it is just as important to show it to them. Show your kids you love them by trying these five family bonding activities.

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