Die Another Day: Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry Team Up for Bond Film

James Bond is back and better than ever. Starring Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, the film is really full of action and thrills. The movie opens with James Bond in North Korea as a spy selling diamonds to the North Korean commander. However, Bond’s identity is discovered as a spy as he runs for his life from the Korean army.

The North army has invented new hover crafts which have the ability of flying over the land mines that are set up to prevent the army from entering and taking over South Korea. Bond is able to kill the North army commander but is captured. He is thrown into prison where he is tortured terriblely for many months. He is finally freed when he is exchanged as a prisiner for a North Korean spy.

While the British intelligence agency has a policy of not negotiating hostages, they thought James Bond was giving up intelligence secrets. When James Bond is returned to British custody, his status as a secret agent is stripped away with his gun. In a sense of urgency, Pierce Brosnan escapes British intelligence and starts to gather intelligence. His trip leads him to Havana, Cuba to track down a North Korean terrorist named Zhou.

In Cuba he meets Halie Beri who is a diver and works for the American government as a spy also. Halie Beri is gorgeous in the film and stunningly beautiful. In Cuba, Zhou is tracked to a doctor but eludes the capture of Bond and Halie Beri as he escapes by helicopter.

James Bond continues to search after Zhou and with the help of Fidel Castro in Cuba is able to trace him to Iceland to the diamond corporation run by Augusto Graves played by actor Toby Stephen. Graves is not only a billionare but he is also an expert swordsman and he and Bond meet when Bond challenges him to a fun but higlhy dangeous duel.

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The duel ends in a draw but is highly entertaining and exciting to watch the two men battle each other. The fight allows Bond to grab Graves’ attention and he is invited to see Graves’ new technology in action: a satellite in space that can melt any surface that is frozen solid and turn any surface to ice.

As in all James Bond movies, gadgets play a huge role as Bond is given a high impulse ring that can shatter glass, a watch that can detonate explosives, and a high tech car that can vanish into thin air and be hidden without even being seen. Of course, the car is armed to the teeth with missiles, guns and explosives.

At the M16 British headquarters we also learn that Gustav Graves’ assistant, played by actress Rosamund Pike is also a secret agent for M16. However, unbeknownst to the agency, her allegiance lies with Gustav Graves and she has been sending him and Zhou information about the British secret agency. She also set up Bond in North Korea which had led to his capture and framed him for sending secret information about American intelligence to North Korea.

We also find out that she led to the transfer of prisiners when Bond was exchanged for Zhou who was in Chinese captivity. At the demonstration at Gustav Graves’ mansion in Iceland which is made of solid ice, Bond and Halie Beri meet up once again. Afterwards, Bond and Halie Beri attempt to find out what Graves is really planning on doing. However, Halie Beri is captured and Bonds must save her.

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As the action continues, Bond is betrayed by M16 agent Rosmund Pike. Halle Berry is trapped in an ice palace as she starts to drown from the ice melting. Meanwhile Bond is running from his life from Gustav Graves who tries using his satellie to kill Bond from the intense heat of the rays from the satellite. Even after Bond escapes, he is chased in his invisible car by Zhou who also has a specially made car that rivals that of James Bond’s car. Zhou’s car is fully loaded with weapons and the two cars square off in a duel. James Bond is finally able to kill Zhou in his car and tries desperately to locate Halie Beri before she drowns. Bond is able to rescue Halie Beri before she goes unconscious.

Meanwhile, the action resumes on the on the North and South Korean border. Graves is preparing the North Korean troops to enter South Korea as his satellite called Icarus destroys all of the mine fields in the demilitarized zone. The American military has also tried to launch a missile on the satellite but it was destroyed by its extremely hot rays. Bond and Halie Beri chase after Graves who is on a plane headed for South Korea.

When he finally meets up with Graves, he finds out that Graves has transformed his body into parts of a robot machine and is extremely powerful and strong. On the other side of the plane, Halie Beri and Rosmund Pike square off in a battle of two very hot ladies. The action cuts to the sattelite getting dangerously close to South Korea and the American intelligence base. In two ongoing duels that are a must see, Halie Beri is able to kill Mrs. Pike in a battle with swords and Bond is able to knock Gustav Graves out of the plane in a fierce battle.

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In the end, Bond and Hallie Beri are able to stop the satellie and are able to daringly escape by flying a helicopter out of the back of an out-of-control airplane.

I loved every minutes of this James Bond film. Pierce Brosnan and Halie Beri are amazing together in the film and work well as partners. If you are a James Bond fan this film is a must see or if you love action, stunts and gadgets you will certainly love this movie.