4 Alternative Uses for Olive Oil

Olive oil is not just for cooking any more. Did you know there are plenty of different ways you can use olive oil all over your house. You don’t even have to keep this stuff in the kitchen anymore. While olive oil can become expensive depending on what type you buy, I always go for the cheap stuff. In my eyes, I can’t tell any difference no matter what reason I am using olive oil for. Cheaper doesn’t always mean is worse, especially not in my eyes.

Alternative use for Olive Oil #1- Leather- Olive oil works better then any leather oil out there in my eyes. Not only can the leather oil become really expensive but it often smells a little funny as well. Next time you need to polish your leather no matter if its shoes, coats or maybe your chairs try using a little olive oil. Make sure you only use a little as this oil spreads very easy and you should always poor the oil onto your rag not directly onto the leather.

Alternative use for Olive Oil #2- Plants- It seems like no matter what we are talking about but plants always seem to make the list. When talking about olive oil plants are on here once again. But this time it’s for the leaves of your plants. After a while your plants get old looking from sitting around and collecting dust. Place a small amount of olive oil on a rag and wipe your leaves with it. Your leaves will now shine and the oil will not affect your plant at all.

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Alternative use for Olive Oil #3- Dry feet- People get dry feet no matter how hard you try not to. This is especially true during them harsh cold winter months. If you’re lucky to not have the cold harsh winter months then this might not be true as much for you. But for us whom are unlucky and see tons of snow during the year you will notice that your feet get dry and they get dry fast. This is because you have so many things covering your feet most of the day. This is where the olive oil comes into play. Before you place your socks on, simply place a drop or two of olive oil on your feet and rub. Make sure you rub it in really well. This will work better then any type of lotion you can buy. You can also try this on your hands before you place your gloves on.

Alternative use for Olive Oil #4- Tracks and Hinges- Tired of all that squeaking going on around your house? I know that we have it here once in a while. I simply dap a small amount of olive oil into a rag and wipe the hinges and tracks with it. The squeak goes away and stays away for a while. Remember a little goes a long way with this so you only need a small amount on your rag because it will spread very easy.