3 Natural Remedies for Treating Toenail & Fingernail Fungus Infection

Among all the infections, this toenail fungus is the most disliked one, as it is not an easy task to hide this infection from others’ seeing it. Further, it is communicable. The difference between the infected nail and the healthy nail is, the affected one is thicker and will be brown or yellow in color. Sometimes, the nail becomes black also. Most often the fungus even affects the nail bed and you can experience pain or inflammation. The important factor that contributes to the infection is because of loss of your immune system due to old age or AIDS or any related factors. These factors are boosted by other factors like wearing tight-fitting gloves or wet hands that enhance fungal multiplication. To cure this fungul infection, you need not undergo complex treatments. Just try out the home remedies listed below.

Popularity for the home remedies for this infection of fingernail has increased in recent years, due to many reasons. You would be amazed to know that this fingernail fungus infection is prevalent since more than thousand years. In the olden days, home remedies were the only treatment for this fingernail fungus infection. Though the science has seen vast development, these home remedies are preferred than the recent drugs because of no side effects and less cost involved.


One of the most opted home remedies for curing this fingernail fungus infection is immersing the affected finger into the solution that has the capacity to kill the fungus causing the thickening, disfiguration and discoloration of the nail. Bleaching powder, hydrogen peroxide and diluted vinegar are some of the solutions mostly used for this treatment.

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Most often, you should keep your finger soaked inside the solution until the infection clears off. The duration to cure can vary from days to weeks to few months also. If you want faster results, you can try thinning the affected fingernail. This will help in increasing the absorption capacity of the nail. More the solution absorbed is, speeder will be the process of curing it.


Another home remedy for this infection is tea tree oil. This oil is an extract of leaves and stem of an Australian tea tree. The antifungal properties are amazingly high in this oil, and have been proved scientifically. You can apply this oil directly to the affected finger, as it penetrates the nail, eliminates the fungus and thereby cures the infection. This is more effective than any other oil. You can get this tea oil in either pure form or mixed with other natural ingredients.


Antifungal mud or saprox is another home remedy that is very effective. This is from Czech Republic. The usage of this mud is similar to the tea oil. You need to apply over the infected nail. Moreover, you can boost the effectiveness of this mud by soaking the fungus infected fingernail in any of the solutions like bleaching powder or hydrogen peroxide or the combined solution.