1950s Themed Party Activities and Games for Kids

Are you in charge of organizing a 1950s themed party for the kids? Have you managed to come up with a list of 1950s themed party activities and games yet? If not, you may want to think about utilizing one of mine. Here they are:

Themed Sock Hop

Most folks already know that a sock hop goes with a 1950s party like ice cream goes with cake. Therefore, I just had to include it on my list. However, just because a sock hop is a standard 1950s party activity doesn’t mean that yours has to be like everyone else’s. I’d suggest distinguishing yours from the rest by using a theme. For example, the show “American Bandstand” premiered in the 1950s. Thus, you could pretend that your dance party is actually a live taping of the show. Other options include recreating the high school prom scene from the movie “Grease” or one of the dance scenes from the television show “Happy Days.

Phone Booth Stuffing Game

Looking for a 1950s party activity that hasn’t been done to death? Well then, I’d suggest that you consider challenging the kids to an old fashioned game of phone booth stuffing. In order to play the game, you’ll need two old refrigerator boxes. Decorate the boxes to look like 1950s style phone booths and then separate the kids into two teams. Next, challenge the teams to see which one of them can successfully cram the most people into the boxes without breaking them. The team that is able to complete the task first wins!

Hula Hoops and Pogo Sticks

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If you want another 1950s activity that will get the kids bouncing around and giggling uncontrollably, break out the hula hoops and pogo sticks. They were quite popular in the 1950s too. As such, you could let the kids just play with the items or make a contest out of it. For example, you could award prizes to the person capable of twirling the most hula hoops or completing the most bounces in a set time period. Best of all, you can typically still purchase hula hoops and pogo sticks through toy stores for a reasonable fee.

Elvis Impersonation Contest

Would you rather have the kids engage in an activity that involves more singing than sweating? Well then, why not ask them to fire off their best Elvis Presley impersonations? After all, he was an iconic part of the 1950s as well. You could ask the kids to dress-up like the star, act out scenes from his movies and sing some of his songs. The children that do the best job of imitating the king could be deemed the winners.

Source: Personal Experience

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