18 Types of Websites Generate Revenues

Before I learned how to blog and write articles at my weblog, I didn’t know that having a website can generate a certain amount of revenue. I was curious why people can provide a free service for everyone such like yahoo, Google mail. Now I slowly understand that the concept of your website can be the virtual assets that act as “real estate” such like land, house and shopping malls and so on.

There is a big different between the virtual assets (websites, Online business) and assets (real estate; land; house), In term of virtual asset, websites are more often create for the needs and desired of the crowd, people will come to visit, rate, give comments and so on. That is equalization can be such like more unique visitors = more traffics = more advertisements = more ranked = more revenues.

A professional web entrepreneurs as none risk investors, and often explore ideas and concept to attract people come to visit their website, this is not only help to generate ongoing profits, but also increase their resell values. A simple example, Facebook.com is worth more than $10 billion, as we all know Microsoft just purchased 1.6% of the company for $240 million. youtube; feedburner are websites provide free services and big company willing to spend large amount of money to acquire it for marketing purpose.

Through my research there are the few types of websites can make money online.

1. Commercial Websites Template – website that provides free template and commercial template for public. You can attract many visitors that who wish to start the first website. Designer or graphic engineer might visit for inspiration. You get traffic and increase business volume.

2. Freelance – website such like getafreelancer.com that provide freelance services that connect between hirers and freelancers. Generate profit by gain certain percentage of each project completed.

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3. Affiliate Review – website that reviews affiliate products like make money online programs; allow member earn money by referring their friends join the community; web hosting services.

4. Affiliate Product website – webpages which sell the products such like ebook. Write articles, ideas, concepts then convert it to PDF format, before publish the prototype as sample for sales. The main way to make money is to drive or opt into your email list, this can generate steady income if your idea, concept are unique and good.

5. Forum and Social Network – website that allows people to discuss for some specific topics, or a social network that allow member to join and share information, send internal message such like Friendster, Facebook.

6. Search engines – Build a search tool that allows visitors to find the source, information that needs such like ask.com; yahoo search and so on. If your engine can provides the best output result, probably people will come again and use it, such like Google search. There are millions to billions search queries executed per day.

7. Advertising Program – website such like Payperpost, Smorty, that help advertisers to advertise and provide earning opportunities for bloggers; Google Adsense, that require website owner to install a portion of Javascript on webmasters’ website.

8. Online Games Portal – Built a website that is for a targeted audience or member and earn money by selling points, unlock extra features, options, transfer credit/ fund from one gamer to another. Games can spread very fast if they are very well designed and attractive graphics such like Warbook, with good traffic and probably many people play and experience it.

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9. Paid Membership Concept – website provides education lessons on a specific topic, teaching, tuition, or provides online learning material. Members will pay a fixed fee every month to maintain their membership. Not only tuition, but it can be membership to download pictures, movie, mp3 and your online collection stuffs and so on.

10. Product & Services – website or weblog that provides free services and selling products like amazon.com, you can blog your products at your weblog and update daily with news and information, traffic will increased as long as you have great and longevity products. For example, Nokia website, Microsoft products and services official website.

11. Auction websites – Like eBay website, allows people to bid, sell and buy products. You can generate income by gather certain commission for each sale have been transacted. If users find that your auction website can get cheaper and quality products then they will return to your site more frequently, you also acquire more loyal users.

12. Dating Portal – Make use for people to register, communication and sharing information. I believe that people are more likely to search for the right people on the web, forum, dating and chat or exchange information; even they never meet each other face to face.

13. Design/ coding services – website that offers HTML, PHP scripts, customized website design, PSD, content management system such like Joomla, Mambo for certain users in need.

14. File Hosting Services – set up a file host which allows user to upload and share their files, information online with other friends. This might be difficult to make large amount of money unless you innovate and provide more features and ideas to attract more users.

15. Web Directories – website allows people to submit their website for other to rate, comments and information sharing. Mostly people will submit their URL and return daily to see anyone rate their website. This probably will attract more advertiser come to advertise on your website.

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16. Online Web tool- A website that provide a useful tool such like photo editor, spell checker, compression, converter. If you tools is very useful, probably people will return and use it frequently.

17. Proxies – Website which allows a web surfer to not only surf anonymously but bypass certain filters which prevent one from viewing a website. There are popular with the Myspace crowd and will often require a dedicated server. Income is largely passive.

18. Weblog – Own a website, or create a weblog at worpress, blogger and earn money by review, write articles for other websites. Like problogger.net that generate 6 digits annual income from their blog. The weblog is good because bloggers can blog any issues upon their own interest.

These might be the ideas to make extra money online. It is not guarantee that you can make money by just setup a website and do nothing. Any contribution, hard work is the key to lead you success. This 18 types of websites, were the ideas from my research through many blogs and come out with the summary list, screen shots are just as the examples of the relevant usage, not really relate to them.