123RF.com – Earn Money, Earn Bonus Points and Download Free Images

123RF.com provides royalty free and free royalty free images on line for you to use in a variety of clearly identified ways including as images to enhance the AC content that you write. What makes 123RF.com even better is that they offer monetary incentives and Bonus Points to patrons as thanks for your loyalty. You can earn money and things from them three different ways.

Of course and best way is to submit your professional, top-quality photographs for sale through 123RF.com who receive a percentage of each while the photographer also receives a percentage. Check the Web site for all pertinent details. The photos sold through 123RF.com are all of the highest caliber; I can always find something wonderful. Photographers are encouraged to boost their sales by donating some of their photos as free downloads, and the strategy must work very well because there are always around 1,000 free royalty free photos to download.

If you are a photographer and wish to donate and/or sell your beautiful, high quality photos on 123RF.com, there are two easy ways to upload your images. The first is the traditional means. First you register, then you login initially using the password sent to you in the confirmation e-mail. Then click PHOTOGRAPHERS on the top navigation bar. After reading and agreeing to all their terms and policies, click “I Agree” and you’ll be taken to an page that displays your upload history and provides a link to a page that gives you upload options, like Web Form Uploader, Java Image Uploader, etc. Make your choice then follow all the remaining prompts. A new option called Photo Uploader is designed to make uploading easier for Windows XP users.

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Any photographer who wishes to donate photographs may do so and, as I said, are encouraged to so to boost sales. A donation link can be found on the Home page of 123RF.com in the bottom right corner just below the “Browse all free images” link. You will be taken to an internal page that allows you to type in a file number or file name of an image that you have already uploaded to your 123RF.com image inventory, a process explained above. These donations provide the free royalty free images that we AC content writers can download for free to enhance our AC content.

The second way to earn money at 123RF.com is through referrals. When you register with the Web site you are automatically issued an affiliate URL like this one: 123rf.com/srckplh. After registering, to find your affiliate URL link simply login and when your account is acknowledged by the site click MAKE MONEY on the top navigation bar. You will be taken to a page explaining everything and, at the very top of the page under (1) (2) (3), you will find your own assigned affiliate URL link. The page will tell you everything you need to know about using it and give you suggestions about where to use it.

You may also refer photographers by using the same affiliate URL link. Encourage all your friend who are top-quality photographers to use your URL to register with 123RF.com and to donate and sell their beautiful photographs.

The third earning option at 123RF.com is to earn Bonus Points bestow for purchases of Credits or Subscriptions that you yourself make. Every purchase you make accrues Bonus Points to you, granted, must accumulate many points before you can trade-in Points. Your accumulated Bonus Points can be used on purchases of technological devices. For example, with 400 Bonus Points (60 Download Credits) you can get a Laser Mouse and for 700 Bonus Points (90 Download Credits) you can get an iPod Shuffle. True, this is not the pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow, but if you write AC content and make a steady stream of small purchases, you will be rewarded for it in the end. That’s nice I think.

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Finally, 123RF.com features a photographer news column called HEAR IT! that offers interviews with successful and interesting photographers who talk about their work and technique. Another page accessible through the MASTER IT! link tells contributors all about submission guidelines. There is also a 123RF.com blog that keeps members apprised of new improvements and features. There is also a forum in which registered members can exchange ideas, questions and answers, tips and complaints. 123RF.com gives freelance writers a wonderful opportunity to enhance what they write with beautiful images that are free or inexpensively purchasable. And it offers a chance to earn a little bit extra through an affiliate referral system and through Bonus Points. Check out 123RF.com today.
