10 High School Graduation Gift Ideas for Grandparents

High school graduations are always a time when parents and grandparents are most proud of their children’s and grandchildren’s achievements. These 10 gift ideas will help grandparents (and other family members or friends) determine the ideal graduation gifts for the graduate. It’s usually up to the parents to buy the big ticket items like a car or television unless the grandparents have the financial resources to do so. These graduation gift ideas are things that are relatively affordable and many of the gifts will have long-lasting meanings to the graduate.


Keepsake Frame for Diploma – A very nice frame for their diploma would give the high school graduate a way to display their accomplishment. An engraved frame with the grandparents’ names on it would be a great way to personalize this graduation gift.

Pre-paid Debit Card – Most high school graduates will appreciate a debit card that they can use to purchase items as they prepare for college or for other things they may want upon graduation.

Gift Cards – Gift cards are always popular and it is a great graduation gifts idea for grandparents to give the high school graduate. Gift cards can be purchased at many college bookstores to help the graduate purchase textbooks and other items for college. Of course a gift card from an electronic store will allow the graduate the opportunity to select the specific gift that they want. They are one of the best graduation gift ideas for grandparents.

Family Heirloom – If the grandparents have a family heirloom such as a watch, a piece of jewelry, a bible, or other items that have been handed down in the family or was owned by a beloved family member, this would be a great graduation gift for the high school graduate. It would have even more meaning and value if the grandparent shares the story or significance of the item with the graduate.

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Photobook – A photobook takes the photo album a step further by incorporating family photos of the grandparents, the parents, the graduate, and other family members into a bound coffee table photobook. Make sure to include photos of the grandparents and parents when they were young. Publishers of photobooks such as MyPublisher at www.mypublisher.com, Shutterfly at www.shutterfly.com, and other sites offer a great way to preserve the memories of the family into a book that will be treasured for years by the high school graduate. It’s a great way to educate them on the family lineage and history and is another good high school graduation gift idea for grandparents.

A Trip – For those grandparents that can afford to send the graduate on a trip, this would be an ideal high school graduation gift for grandparents to give to the graduate.Even if paying for the entire trip is cost prohibitive, the grandparent can sponsor portions of the trip for the graduate such as paying for the hotel room, gasoline, or airfare.

Luggage – This may be an item that is not often thought of until the last minute but most high school graduates that plan on attending college will appreciate receiving luggage. And if you also gave them a trip, then this gift will be very timely.

Investments – This high school graduation gift idea for grandparents is something that can be used to start the graduate on the path to establishing their own savings, mutual fund, or stock market account. It can include things such as savings bonds or other financial instruments. I prefer a brokerage account with a company such as Sharebuilder found at www.sharebuilder.com because they allow the investment to be in any dollar amount as little as $10. It is a great way to start them off and hopefully they will be to add to it themselves if they have a summer job or job while in college. It will also help them learn how to save and invest while at the same time building a nest egg for their future.

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A Special Luncheon or Dinner – Another high school graduation gift idea for grandparents would be to sponsor a luncheon or dinner for the graduate at a nice restaurant and let them invite several close friends. This would help to make the graduation special for the graduate and their closest friends. The number of invitees would be based on the budget of the grandparents.

Cash – The old favorite is the high school graduation gift that most graduates will not mind getting from the grandparents. I’ve yet to see a graduate that did not appreciate hard, cold cash.

I hope these 10 high school graduation gift ideas for grandparents will make the process of giving much easier as high school graduations occur.
