10 Common Signs of Fetal Distress

10 Common Signs of Fetal Distress – We all wonder what is going on inside the womb during pregnancy. Although we will never know what is going on at all times, there are a few things we can look for. Things that we can look for and “feel” for to know that everything is OK. There are a few ways we can tell if the fetus is in distress.

Fetal Movement

You should designate a certain time everyday that your baby is most active. Say between the hours of 7 pm and 8 pm after you have eaten dinner and are relaxed. Count how many times your baby kicks, as long as your baby is kicking at least 10 times in that hour everything is going OK. If you should be doing you kick counts and your baby hasn’t moved at least 10 times in that hour. Then you should call your health care provider and let them know, that your baby is most active during this time and you are not experiencing much movement from your baby. They will then let you know where to go from there.

Vaginal bleeding or Spotting

A woman’s body is an amazing thing. There are many ways that our body can let us know that something is going wrong especially during pregnancy. Spotting or Bleeding in early pregnancy, can sometimes mean that your body may be warning you about a miscarriage. If you are experiencing bleeding and or spotting and you are only few weeks along contact your health care provider immediately as this can be a sign of miscarriage,


Cramping during pregnancy can result in a series of things. If you are experiencing any type of cramps with any sort of bleeding, you should contact your health care provider this can be a sign of fetal distress. This feelings could be the symptoms of a miscarriage. If you are having severe cramps and pelvic pain contact your health care provider to let them know of your issues. They will then be able to let you know what you should do about the issues.

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High Blood Pressure

Every time that you go in to see your OBGYN during your pregnancy they are going to check your blood pressure. If at any point you are experiencing high blood pressure this can be a sign of fetal distress. There are many reasons a pregnant woman can experience high blood pressure during pregnancy. One most common problem that is resulted with high blood pressure is pre-eclampsia . Pre eclampsia is a medical condition only found during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is a condition of hypertension during pregnancy. If you are diagnosed with pre-eclampsia your OBGYN will want to deliver the baby as soon as possible. Pre- eclampisa will also go away after delivery.

heart rate

During your pregnancy your OBGYN will check your baby’s heart rate. Every time you go to the hospital during your pregnancy they will check your baby’s heart rate. If your babies heart rate is not sound the way that it should. Or if your babies heart rate is decreasing this can mean a number of things. Your health care provider will figure out what the cause of the decrease is. It can be lack of oxygen , and umbilical cord issues. These are uncommon issues in pregnancy your health care provider with be able to let you know the situation.


Meconium is the first stool that a baby passes. The baby can expel its meconium during labor and delivery. Your health care provider will be able to tell when your water breaks. Instead of clear fluid, your water will have a color to it. This can cause the baby to have fetal distress. This can give your baby an infection if they happen to breath it in.

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Umbilical cord issues

There are many things that can cause fetal distress pertaining to your babies umbilical cord. Your baby could have what they call a Nuchal cord, meaning that your baby has there cord wrapped around there neck in the womb. Which can then cause lack of oxygen. Your health care provider would be able to tell on an ultrasound, also by monitoring the babies heart rate.

Weight gain

Many doctors will tell you that the average weight gain for a pregnancy should be between 25-35 pounds. If you are experiencing a low amount of weight gain, that could be a sign of fetal distress. Your amniotic fluid may be low or your baby may not be getting enough nutrients. If you are experiencing a high amount of weight gain, your baby may be growing much bigger than your body can handle, or it could be a sign of gestational diabetes. All of these issues can be a sign of fetal distress. Your health care provider will be able to tell you what is going on, or if your excessive weight gain or low weight gain is normal.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is when a woman without diabetes is diagnosed with diabetes during her pregnancy. Your doctor will be able to tell if you have gestational diabetes by running normal tests during your pregnancy. This can cause the baby to grow much bigger than the baby normally would. Causing fetal distress during delivery.

Premature rupture of membranes.

If your water breaks before 37 weeks this can be a sign of fetal distress. Your baby is trying to come earlier than what is safe for them. If you experience premature rupture of your membranes you need to get to labor and delivery quickly. There a doctor will be able to tell you what the issue is with your baby. It is not safe to deliver earlier than 37 weeks gestation.

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Every woman who has had a baby knows the excitement of pregnancy and birth. Every pregnant woman knows how anxious they are feeling knowing if the baby is OK. These are all normal feelings, enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest. This might just help you enjoy your pregnancy a little better.

Alarming Signs in a Pregnancy By : India Parenting | Posted: 14-11-2007


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Gestational diabetes

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