10 Best Places in Europe for a Family Vacation

Vacationing in Europe is not for adults only, no matter what many people believe about the difficulty of getting children across an ocean. After all, there’s not much difference between a four hour trip to your in-laws in Ohio and an eight hour one to the ancient capitals of Europe, and the final destination makes that extra coloring time worth it. If you’re willing to look around there are plenty of kid friendly vacation options – surprisingly, they even have kids of their own there and have made an effort to keep them happy and healthy, too. Below are a few of my favorite places for families, but in the end wherever you dream of going you can find a way to enjoy it with your family if you are willing to put in a little extra research time.

1. Cinque Terre, Italy – Breathtakingly beautiful, this location is perfect for an active family with older children. The five picturesque little towns that the name comes from are bursts of color hanging off the cliffs, and a hike from the first to the last one will take a full day. If you want to stop and shop for souvenirs and enjoy some great food on the way, it can take significantly longer – but is definitely worth the time!

2. Vienna, Austria – Vienna is a city with hundreds of years of history and with architecture that ranges from the spectacular – including the Schönbrunn Palace, a palace that easily rivals Versaille in my opinion – to the decidedly quirky. Hundertwasserhaus, I’m talking to you. With plenty of museums and sidewalk cafes there is always something to do in this clean and modern capital city.

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3. Paris, France – So you have kids, and want them to have a fun vacation…it doesn’t take a genius to know that Disneyland Paris is going to be a crowd pleaser. And the city of lights holds plenty of fun for adults as well, as long as you brace yourself for the typical Parisian scorn that can sometimes rain down on tourists when they least expect it.

4. Gardaland near Lake Garda, Italy – One of the most popular theme parks in Europe, and certainly among the most well known in Italy, Gardaland offers hours or even days of fun to a young family. I remember my parents bringing me there as a kid and it holds a special place in my heart still today, ranking right up there with Disneyworld in the fond childhood memories department.

5. Swiss Alps – The thrill of careening down a mountain can certainly beat the thrill of a roller coaster for many families. The Swiss Alps, with their multiple national languages and international culture, are a perfect place to rent a little cottage and spend a week eating pastries and then working off the calories with snowball fights and skiing.

6. Why pick? Take a train across Europe – The night trains have compartments with beds and a washbasin you can rent. While showers are only available with Premiere tickets, a great way to explore Europe with slightly older children can be to overnight yourself city to city then spend a day or two in a hotel that fits your budget within that city. What better way to pass two or three weeks then by visiting your dream cities and countries and spend the time in between on romantic train rides, sipping espresso’s in the diner car and watching the landscape fly by?

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7. Florence, Italy – Another beautiful Italian city, Florence is small enough to wander around in safely but large enough to find plenty to do there. A plus is it’s location in Tuscany, meaning that multiple day trips to ancient towns and vineyards are easily planned and happily executed from Florence’s central location. And if you’re a foodie, Tuscan cuisine is second to none in the world.

8. London, England – Talk about culture! London is the New York of Europe and is packed with palaces, fortresses, museums, perfectly landscaped parks and more. And while it is a bit expensive it will be worth it to book your family a meal at one of the major hotels for High Tea, a truly British experience.

9. Salou, Spain – Known as a location with great family beaches, this beachside town is great for a family that wants to soak in some sun along with music and delicious Spanish food. For a relaxing family vacation doing nothing but exactly what you want while working on your tan Salou Spain would be a great choice.

10. Alton Towers, England – the Disneyland of England, its one clear and undeniable advantage is that English is the primary language. If you don’t want to have to figure out how to say “height limit” or “cotton candy throw-up” in French or Italian, Alton Towers might be the European theme park for you.

This locations are only a start. From bike tours in the Netherlands to museum tours in Berlin, there’s something for any family that can be found in Europe.