Zoology:The Basic Branches of Animal Species

The study of the animal’s behavior has lead to the well known theory of “natural selection”. Therefore, each animal has a personality needs that must be met, in order to survive in nature or in captivity. Most zoologists believe that studying animals and their behavior, can teach us a lot about the humans and their behavior. Some noticeable zoologists are Aristotle, Charles Darwin, Jeff Corwin, or Steve and Terry Irwin of the Australia Zoo.

These scientists are studying their breeding habits, personality traits, and what they eat on a daily basis. The zoologist actually studies the animal’s home, in their own habitat or in captivity at a zoo or other place. Zoology was first studied by British and German laboratories, in the nineteenth century.

Many scientists study the theory of “natural history”, which was researched by passionate scientists. Each one strived to become one with the animals and always treat them with respect and compassion.

Their work and passion is allowing us to understand the animal’s behavior in social situations. The zoologists are learning how animals relate to their own kind, to other animals, and to humans. By learning how they are raising their offspring, wildlife organizations can save many wounded animals.

A Zoologist jobs are very important and many zoos hire them to take care of the animals. They study how animals act, when they are friendly or when they feel threatened.

There are many classifications of animals that are being studied by scientists, who are called zoologists. Most spiders are classified separate from insects, since their anatomy is built differently. Some zoologist study Paleontology, in order to learn what extinct animals and fossils were like, when they roamed the earth. Others study the Entomology, which is learning about insects and their behaviors.

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Also, some study Mammalogy, which includes animals that carry and give birth to their young. Most mammals feed their baby milk and they are warm-blooded, like humans and dolphins. Some animals are classified as Herpetology, since they are reptiles or amphibians. These animals are cold-blooded and lay eggs at birth, like turtles or frogs. Actually, snakes and lizard are also studied under, this branch of science.

However, some animals are called arachnids and the scientific name for their scientist is Arachnology. Most people associate this branch of study, with spiders that have more than six legs and lay eggs in a sack. The different behaviors of animals are studied by an Ethologist, who documents each species behavior. Scientist called Ornithologist, actually study birds, by examining how they live and what they eat.

Another type of scientist is an Ichthyology, they study fish and how they survive in the ocean without air. An actual Zoologist studies animals and how they live, survive, and behave in their own habitat. Each zoologist can study all types of animals or they may pick a branch, which allows them to study one type of species. Either way, all branches of zoology is important and studied in the scientific world.

Basically, there are mainly two types of animals; one is herbivores or a plant eaters and the other is a carnivore or a meat eater. These scientists study the different species of animals and their unique habits. Some zoologist is studying a specific animal’s habitat, but some are studying a variety of animals and their behavior. They each observe and chart the interesting stuff they learn, for future use by zoos or other places that has animals.