Zero Carb Drinks

Recently the low carb craze has taken over the diet world. However, I was somewhat surprised to see that there is now a demand for low carb drinks for children. I understand parents wanting to limit sugars in children’s drinks, but some carbohydrates are necessary and children should not be deprived of them. While researching for zero carb drinks I found that many of them are not appropriate for children such as energy drinks or cocktails. Nonetheless, I have compiled a list of five healthy drinks for children that are low in sugar and in carbs, however, please keep in mind not all carbs are bad and you should not completely limit your children’s carbohydrate intake.

5. Homemade Fruit Smoothies and Shakes- Many smoothies you get from restaurants and stores are loaded with sugars and calories. When making a smoothie instead of using milk you can use soymilk and a sugar substitute (if you feel necessary). Here is an example of a low carb drink[1] that children should enjoy:


Soymilk- 2 cups
Chopped Peaches – ½ cup
Apricot pulp – 2 tablespoon
Almonds – 4to5


  • Soak the almonds in lukewarm water for at least four to five hours beforehand.
  • The soymilk should also be chilled sufficiently
  • Mix the peaches, apricot pulp, almonds and soymilk in the blender.
  • Garnish with chopped almonds and serve chilled.

4. Homemade Fruit Drinks- Many children do not get the recommended amount of fruit in their diet. Parents often wrongly assume that fruit juices from the store are healthy and are allowing their children to get some fruit intake, but this is false. Most fruit juices are loaded with sugar and empty calories. Here is an example of a tasty homemade fruit drink with peaches and apricots.

See also  Foods You Never Knew Were High in Sugar

Ingredients [2]
Soymilk- 2 cups
Chopped Peaches – ½ cup
Apricot pulp – 2 tablespoon
Almonds – 4to5


  • Soak the almonds in lukewarm water for at least four to five hours beforehand.
  • The soymilk should also be chilled sufficiently
  • Mix the peaches, apricot pulp, almonds and soymilk in the blender.
  • Garnish with chopped almonds and serve chilled.

3. Herbal Tea Sweetened With Fruit- Not all kids like tea and it may be too bitter for them to enjoy, however, some additions to the tea can make children enjoy it. Herbal teas are healthy and low in carbs and can be sweetened with fruits or natural sugar substitutes. One of my favorite teas was one sweetened with berries given to me by my friend who studies naturopathic medicine. The berries turned the tea red and it was very good (and I’m not a fan of tea), he added one packet of sugar substitute and it had an amazing taste. Also around Christmas time when peppermint flavor is popular you can try adding some peppermint extract or 8 ounces of peppermint leaves with sugar substitute to tea. Hopefully your children can develop a liking for the tea and drink it year round.

2. Diet Soda- If your children insist on drinking soda then allow them to drink ones that are not full of calories, and generally diet soda will not have carbs either. My recommendation is Diet Coke sweetened with splenda, it tastes better than Diet Coke and is without all the sugar and carbs of a regular soda.

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1. Water- Water is the basis of life, while it may be without taste, it’s one of the best thing for your children to drink. Starting kids on water early will develop their liking for it, as water is one of the best things for the body. If your kids just can’t stand drinking water, then occasionally you can add the flavor packets from Crystal Light or other brands that have zero carbs. Just remember water is best for keeping the body hydrated and it is the purest form of any liquid to drink.


[2] Ibid.