Writing Thank You Note to Boss

Writing a thank you note to your boss can be a tricky task – it can be hard to know exactly what to say in your thank you letter to your boss that seems appropriate and shows your appreciation in a genuine manner. Saying thank you to your boss is important though – bosses don’t have it easy and anytime an employee shows their grattitude can mean a lot to them!

There are many ways you can send a thank you note to your boss. Handwritten cards typically show that you took the time to personally craft a thank you note, whereas a typed letter would make it seem purely professional. Depending on your position with the company and your relationship with the boss, a casual handwritten thank you note may be more appreciated or the typed thank you letter to the boss may be what is more expected and appropriate. While email is popular and easy, it does not have the same impact as a thank you letter on paper, so it is not encouraged to write a thank you note by email if you can help it – it will make a much better impression on paper!

Another option when sending a thank you note is to include a small token or gift of your appreciation. Fresh cut flowers, candy, a fancy pen, or other small item may add extra emphasis to your thank you and may show your creativity. Be sure that something like this would be accepted with your company however – some may feel that including a small token is unacceptable or may even be against company policy.

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Writing a thank you note to boss should be heartfelt and sincere. While there are many thank you notes to boss examples available online, you should try your best to use your own words when writing the thank you letter.

To help you with the task of writing this letter to your boss, I’ve included a simple formula that will work for just about any thank you note occasion and is appropriate for the office.

1. Start With a Greeting: You should always begin any written correspondence with a greeting or salutation. You can make it as casual or professional as you think it needs to be. You can use the person’s full name, or if you have a close relationship you can probably slide by just by using their first name.

2. Say Thank You and Give the Reason For Thanking Them: After you have your greeting down, you need to say thank you and tell them why you are thanking them. You could write for example something like “I really appreciate the time and effort you have put forth in helping us complete the real estate development project on schedule!” If you recieved a gift from your boss, you could write something like “Thank you so much for the beautiful vase! I really like it and it looks fabulous on my desk!”

3. Explain Why It Was Such a Help: If you care to elaborate more, tell your boss in your thank you note why it helped you or if it was a gift what you will do with it. “With your help on the Sebowsky project I was also able to focus better on the commercial property prospecting” for example or “The vase will be perfect for displaying flowers that will brighten up anyday!”

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4. Emphasize The Thank You Again: It never hurts to say thank you to your boss more than once in a thank you boss letter, so you can close with a comment such as “Thank you so much again – I genuinely appreciate it!”

5. Sign Your Name: Make sure you sign your name in the same style as you addressed your boss. If it is a formal thank you letter to your boss, you should also be sure that you include your company position underneath your name and your contact information. If it is more casual, you can simply sign your first and last name. Your signature should always be handwritten – even in a typed letter.

Be sure to also watch your spelling and grammar – if while writing your thank you notes to boss there are many errors or mistakes it will reflect poorly on you!

Writing thank you notes to your boss can be very easy to do – following this simple writing thank you note to boss formula will ensure your thank you note will be just right for any situation!