Wrestlemania 2012: An Early Prediction

Wrestlemania 2011 has not even come and gone yet, but it is never to early to start thinking and wondering about Wrestlemania 2012. Wrestlemania 2012 is more than a year away but almost every single hardcore WWE wrestling fan knows that the WWE starts having a general idea of what will happen at an event, in this case Wrestlemania 2012, months and months before the event’s date. Like I said, it is very early to even start to have an idea of what will happen at next year’s Wrestlemania, but I have a few opinions about what could happen at Wrestlemania 2012.

Lets start off with the Undertaker. If the Undertaker does not retire at Wrestlemania 2011, then I am thinking he will retire at Wrestlemania 2012. Now the question would is, if this is the case, who will beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 2012, or will the Undertaker remain undefeated at Wrestlemania 2012, and retire undefeated at Wrestlemania? Well if the Undertaker remains undefeated at the time of next year’s Wrestlemania, then it really doesn’t matter who he faces, but if by chance, somebody defeats the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 2012, and puts an end to his streak, It think it may be Shawn Michaels or even Brock Lesnar. I think one of these two stars will make a guest appearance at Wrestlemania 2012, and beat the Undertaker, if the Undertaker loses at next year’s Wrestlemania.

As far as the main event goes, I think that the Miz will be involved in the main event at Wrestlemania 2012. I do not think that the Miz will be in the main event at this year’s Wrestlemania but at Wrestlemania 2012, I do think that the Miz will be in the main event, and his appointment will most likely be John Cena., or even Kofi Kingston.

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I believe that Kofi Kingston will be a main eventer at Wrestlemania 2012, as you can tell from the above paragraph. If Kofi does not compete in the main event at Wrestlemania 2012, then he will probably be involved in a match before the main event. I think that he will either hold the World heavyweight title, or the WWE title.

Mason Riley is a new face in the WWE, but by the time Wrestlemania 2012 rolls around, I think he will be participating in a high profile match. If John Cena is not involved in the main event at Wrestlemania 2012, then I think there will be a match between John Cena and Mason Ryan at Wrestlemania 2012.

Lets not forget CM Punk, Wade Barrett and the rest of their group members. I think that CM Punk, Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel will definitely have matches at Wrestlemania 2012. They may even have a match between each other at next year’s Wrestlemania.

There is still plenty of time before Wrestlemania 2012 gets here, but it is never too soon to start wondering what will happen at next year’s Wrestlemania.