Worst Holiday Gifts for Wives

Are you having a hard time choosing a holiday gift for your wife? If so, it is probable that many ideas have already crossed your mind. It isn’t as simple as picking something you think she will like though. In the logical mind of man, it can be very easy to make a horrible mistake with your choice if you purchase something that seems sensible to you. It doesn’t take much to offend or upset a woman with a bad gift, so to avoid awkward silences on Christmas morning here is a guide to the worst holiday gift ideas for your wife.

Worst Holiday Gift Ideas For Your Wife

Kitchen Appliances/Items

Never, ever, ever buy your wife kitchen appliances for Christmas. She does not want a new set of pans, cookbooks or even a new kettle. Even if she needs them, they are not an appropriate holiday gift. Buying your wife kitchen items tells her, “I am the man, get in the kitchen and cook my dinner”. Even if that isn’t what you mean, that is what she will hear. This is top of the worst holiday gift ideas for your wife list for a very good reason. You have been warned.


Generally speaking, women love flowers. Especially if they are of the enormous expensive variety. But as a holiday gift, they are totally wrong. They are one of the worst holiday gift ideas for your wife because they give the impression that you couldn’t think of anything more original. Flowers are great as a surprise now and again, but not for Christmas. They will die, you will have a large hole in your wallet with nothing to show for it and your wife will be unimpressed.

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Sexy Lingerie

There is no denying that women love sexy underwear, but they are best buying it for themselves. If you buy sexy lingerie for your wife as a holiday gift, there are many problems. Firstly, it says that you are planning to sleep with her on Christmas night and after a crazy day of cooking, dealing with family and trying to keep the peace she may not be in the mood. Secondly, she will know that the underwear is really something for you to enjoy. Finally, and most importantly, if you get the size wrong you will not be seeing any of her underwear for a very long time. These are three very good reasons sexy lingerie is one of the worst holiday gifts for wives – don’t fall in to the trap.

Beauty Products

Beauty products may seem like a lovely, thoughtful gift for Christmas, but just like underwear, your wife wants to buy this for herself. Even if you go through the bathroom cabinets to check the right brands and products, you are still likely to get it wrong. Worse than that, she will be a little embarrassed at you finding out just how many beauty products she uses to keep herself looking fabulous! As a final tip, you must absolutely avoid buying any kind of anti-aging product. She will not thank you.

Risque Gifts

Novelty adult gifts like furry handcuffs and edible underwear are just not right for the holidays. If you believe your wife will appreciate this kind of gift, give it to her (the gift!) before Christmas, not on the day or you will seem a little heartless. Risque gifts are fun but not thoughtful enough to be considered a good present.

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The worst holiday gifts for wives are always those which are badly thought out, or given with yourself in mind. If you want to treat your wife – get her something she can enjoy!