World’s Best French Toast

On many mornings I’ll find 5 or 6 pairs of gym shoes by the back door that don’t look familiar. It’s a good bet that my 18 year-old son had some friends sleep-over. He usually asks but the request is usually for one or two guys to spend the night. Somehow the number always grows. What this usually means for me on the Saturday or Sunday mornings when they show up from their few hours of sleep is making a big breakfast. That’s when I whip up the French Toast. I usually keep the slices warm in the oven at 250 because I don’t have a griddle large enough to cook a dozen slices at a time. I serve it with butter and maple syrup and they usually ask for more so I’ll often double the recipe. A lot of French Toast recipes get real fussy about the bread. The bread is usually whatever I have on hand and they’ve never complained. Here’s the ritual:

Steve’s French Toast

(serves 6)


  • 6 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 tsp white sugar
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • bread (whatever is your favorite)
  • butter
  • maple syrup


Add the first seven ingredients to a bowl and whisk. Preheat a cast iron skillet over medium heat on the range. Add a little butter to the skillet and dip a slice of bread into the mixture. Put the first slice on the skillet and then add more of the bread slices until you’re out of room. Turn after about a minute or until you get some golden-browning of the egg mixture. Toss the slices onto the plate in the oven and continue until done.

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Serve with butter and syrup and maybe transfer the slices to a cool plate. The one from the oven will be hot and someone’s sure to burn themselves with a quick grab. A cold glass of milk is a good accompaniment.