World Series 2007: Boston Red Sox Will Win

The World Series will feature the Colorado Rockies and who? The Boston Red Sox! My prediction for the winner of the World Series for 2007 is the Boston Red Sox! Why? Well, it’s their lucky number eleven. The Boston Red Sox are going to take it all. 2007 is the Boston Red Sox’s lucky number eleven because it’s the Boston Red Sox’s eleventh World Series. No one, not even the Colorado Rockies is going to stop them now.

Boston Red Sox on Fire
The Boston Red Sox are on fire! Can you imagine a team coming back in the American League Championship Series from a deficit of 3 to 1? This is something you might expect of the New York Yankees, but not of the Boston Red Sox. Well, now that the Curse of the Babe was broken in 2004, this year it came down to a little number eleven. Or did it?

Luck, or Magic?
If you talk to a Cleveland Indian, of course it was luck. They just got some unlucky breaks for the past week. In game 7 of the American League Championship Series, Kenny Lofton shouldn’t have stopped at 3rd base in the 8th inning. It was just unlucky that the third base coach didn’t realize the open opportunity to score, which would have tied the game.

If you talk to the Boston Red Sox team, the manager, or the fans, you’ll get a totally different story. The Boston Red Sox are going to the World Series because they put it all together in the last three games of the American League Championship Series. Down 3 to 1, down 3 to 2, tied 3 to 3, and then World Series bound!

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The Boston Red Sox possessed some pure magic in Game 7 of the American League Championship Series. Did you catch Game 7? If not, you missed the latest magic. Here’s a brief recap of some of the excitement. Dustin Pedroia, Dustin Pedrooia, Dustin Pedroia. Dustin Pedroia hits his two-run homerin the seventh inning, making the 3 to 2 score jump to 5 to 2 for the Boston Red Sox. Then, in the eighth inning, Dustin Pedroia captured a three-run double to make the score 8 to 2. Pitcher Jonathan Papelbon also showed his magic. He started in the eighth inning, and got six outs with no runs scored.

The World Series starts on October 24th, 2007, Wednesday at 8 pm on FOX. This is the first time I ever remember the World Series starting on a Wednesday. Every other year, it started on a Saturday, with Games One and Two at the American League’s team in even years and the National League’s team in odd years. Games Three, Four and Five then went to the other team’s field. Game Six and Seven then went back to the first team.

This year, Games One and Two will be played on American League soil, on Wednesday and Thursday nights, October 24th and 25th. Games Three, Four and Five will be played in Colorado (unless, of course, Boston sweeps in four games!) Games Six and Seven, if needed, will be back in Fenway Park in Boston, on Halloween and into November, on the first!

3 to 1 Deficit
You may wonder why I think the Boston Red Sox will win the 2007 World Series
. You may ask this, especially since the Colarado Rockies are so hot! I think that we have seen magic here in the past week, and it will continue. Did you realize the Boston Red Sox set a record tonight, coming back from a 3 to 1 deficit in the League Championship Series three times? They did it in 1986 and 2004.

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But, the Boston Red Sox didn’t win the 1986 World Series. Well, this is because the Babe’s Curse was still active. Once it was defeated in 2004, everything changed. The Boston Red Sox won the World Series in 2004, and they are going to win this year.

Magical Team
The Boston Red Sox just showed the World, on October 21st, 2007, in Game 7 of the American League Championship Series, that they possess magic.
The magic started with Game 5 of the series, and held on for Games 6 and 7. This magic of the Boston Red Sox will continue through the World Series.
The Boston Red Sox have team captain Jason Varitek, Dustin Pedroia, Jonathan Papelbon, Josh Beckett, Jacoby Ellsbury, and some other stars that will keep up the magical pace.

How it Will Go
The Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park are going to win Game 1 of the World Series on Wednesday, October 24th
. The Boston Red Sox may lose game 2, just to make it exciting. Plus, the Colorado Rockies have some spirit of their own to deal with. The Rockies may even win one or two more games at their home field in Colorado. I think we’ll be back on Boston soil for the victory, most likely in Game 6 on Wednesday, October 31st. I think it’s going to be a crazy Halloween, one never to forget in the history of baseball.

Imagine it: It’s October 31st, Halloween. The score of the 2007 World Series is 3 games Boston, 2 games Colorado Rockies. There is a chill in the air, as the warm October has ended and sent us to a chilling Halloween temperature. The spooky enchantment fills the air as Boston gets serious, and mysterious, and brings the magic to October baseball. The team comes together in a chilling, thrilling endeavor that leads to another proof that the Curse of the Babe is gone forever. Don’t even doubt it for a second.

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Wouldn’t it be crazy if the Boston Red Sox, now with the Babe’s curse lifted, become the October lightening that used to be dominated by the New York Yankees? Anything’s possible, as we saw with this feat of the Boston Red Sox coming back from a 3 to 1 deficit in the ALCS.

