Working at Hollister

Getting a job here is a no brainer, try to wear some of their clothing, but please don’t over-do it. Either wear their jeans, or wear their shirt, don’t Hollister yourself out. Usually they will have a group meeting where they try to make it seem fun, almost like a party, and ask you random questions. One of the questions they asked me in my interview was, “If you were an animal, what type would you be?” it’s a laid back interview so don’t be nervous.If you are going for a “model” position, (which basically means greeter/clothes folder) be aware that you must be good looking, not incredibly gorgeous, but don’t go in if your looking like McLovin. If you look like that, there’s still hope, you could apply for impact, they are in the back room folding clothes all day. Which is probably the funner job, seeing as you get to actually interact with your co-workers. Remember Hollister is going for that laid-back kind of feeling, so when they ask you what you think Hollister’s style is, say beachy, fun, and laid-back.

It has been over a month now, and I am still working at Hollister. I am 20 years old, selling 15 year olds clothes they think are cool. Somehow I felt as though this job would be more exciting, it’s a job I wanted when I was in high school, but as an adult it seems pointless. I work on a minimum wage salary, and get 6 hours a week… if I’m lucky. They hire new employees every week and they seem to all be close to high school graduation or in college. We sell clothing to a teenage demographic and we ourselves are adults! It’s a false advertisement to these kids. The discount is a 20%, but that is only on full priced items, which basically takes of the taxes and maybe a few extra bucks. You get a 50% discount upon different seasons when they get in their new merchandise, but this is only on certain items. For example, they will put a shirt on a mannequin, and that is the one you must purchase, same color and all. So the next week you come in, every employee will be wearing that same shirt.

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Once getting the job you will be thrown into a room with no training what so-ever, they’ll give you a couple of folding boards, some sizing tapes, and pretty much leave you there unless there’s another employee helping you out, which is most likely never to happen, if your a model. They only need one employee per room, so it can get very boring, especially if your opening the store. They expect you to greet every customer, with a “Hey, whats up?”, although they rarely check on you. This will probably be the only interaction you have with a customer, unless they wear a size 11, and you have to get the ladder to bring them a pair a jeans down. Which is another thing I thought was humiliating for a customer, kind of like a slap in the face for being an average sized woman in the united states. Although I’m nowhere near a size 11, I sorta felt bad having to get a ladder to help these ladies.

Another thing is the smell, the smell of the store is nice, upon arrival, but given a couple of weeks to it, the smell becomes more putrid. They spray down the store with mens cologne every 20 minutes, and most likely when you head home, this is what you will be smelling of.

All in all, the environment is a laid-back one, but there is no room or growth in this company, to even be considered for a assistant manger position one must have a bachelors degree, and there are no new skills to be learned, so if you like doing the same thing everyday, with no one around, and no customers who need help, oh and also might I add bored out of your mind, than this is the right job for you.