Woodloch Pines Resort – Hawley, PA

Woodloch Pines is the perfect vacation for children, teenagers, and even adults. The staff at Woodloch loads you with activities on a daily basis that make it very easy to have fun, get to know the other people staying there, and relaxing. An activity sheet will be given to you daily with family competitions, single competitions, and other activities (zip-lining, water-skiing, etc). Woodloch Pines Resort is located at 731 Welcome Road, Hawley, PA. Woodloch’s website is here and the rates are very reasonable. They can be found here. There are 2 check-in days, and they are Saturday and Tuesday.

Day 1:
Check in is at 4:00PM, but the rooms are usually ready at 12-1PM. When you arrive at Woodloch on the first day, there are so many things that you have the option of doing. The first day, you should get a feel for the surroundings. There are a lot of woods around because you are in the Poconos. Take a walk across the street and head to the zip-lines, bumper cars, batting cages, rifle range, or trap shooting. There are set times and days for the zip-lining and trap shooting. After that, look at your activity and see what sparks your interest. There is a bingo contest daily at 4PM in the North Lodge, which is located right next to the main lobby. After that, go back to your room and get ready for the 6:15 dinner. The food at Woodloch is really good. After dinner on Saturday nights, they have a comedy show that starts at 8:30. The comedy show usually goes until 10:15 or so in the North Lodge, and that’s the end of the evening activities. However, if you are of age, the North Lodge has a bar, so you can stay there and order drinks if you don’t feel tired quite yet.

Day 2:
Typically, day 2 is a Sunday. Sundays are usually the best days at Woodloch. Everything is open on Sunday. Breakfast is at 8:15 and ends at 9:15. The activity sheet will be given to you at breakfast. On the activity sheet, you’ll see all the contests for the day, and all the activities that are open. Usually on Sundays, zip-lining, water-skiing, and Double Dare are the special activities and family contests. Double Dare is a family contest that takes place before lunch. Parents and their children normally do these contests to win a medal (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place). After Double Dare, it is time for lunch. Lunch at Woodloch is from 1-2PM. Water-skiing is shortly after lunch. It starts at 1:30 and goes until 3. They take you around the lake there at Woodloch. Also, if you don’t like water-skiing, but you still want to go on the lake, there are paddle-boats, sail-boats, kayaking, and scenic boat tours. After those activities, you can go to the game room, daily bingo, rifle ranges, your room, etc. until it is dinner time. Sunday nights are huge nights at Woodloch. It is the “Night of the Races”. The staff gets together and does a horse racing event (fake horses of course). Almost all of Woodloch goes to this event. It is located in the Night Club. You bet your money on a horse, then the host of it rolls his dice, and determines what horse will move up. This goes on until about 11, and that is the end of the evening activities.

Day 3:
Monday’s at Woodloch are very lively days, too. It’s the same thing as Sunday. Breakfast begins at 7:30 and ends at 8:30. Afterwards, there are tons of events that go on starting at 10. I’d suggest that you participate in “Hunger Games”. The family challenge takes place off of the movie Hunger Games. This event is very fun. After that is over, for lunch, there is a barbecue. At the barbecue, the winners of the events from Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will be announced and get their medals. After the barbecue, zip-lining and water-skiing have scheduled times, usually starting at 1:30. All of the same games and events are open every day, though. Water-skiing and zip-lining are the only events with scheduled times. These are always open at Woodloch: Bumper cars, rifle range, mountain climbing, nature trail, the lake, the pool, the game room, and the gym. Monday nights are the staff concert, and the “Bar Games”. The staff concert consists of a band “UUU” and 6 staff members singing, dancing, and just making everyone enjoy the show. After the staff concert, Bar Games begin. These games are only for people 18+ which is why it starts at 11PM. There is a lot of drinking done and a lot of silly contests to see what people have on them, what “size” they are, etc. The winner of those games is based on who has the most fun, so technically it isn’t a competition. It’s just a bunch of college students and adults having some fun!

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The next morning when you wake up, you go to breakfast, and then check-out. That just about wraps up your stay at Woodloch Pines Resort!