Winter Fun Lesson Plans

Children love winter. There is no denying it. So why not take the winter theme for your preschool and expand your lesson plans to make the learning that much more enjoyable. There are so many neat ideas that you can incorporate into your winter theme. Art, dramatic play, blocks, toys and games, science and literacy all have neat ideas that are not that hard to pull off, but your preschooler will be amazed at it all.

For some art ideas you can finger paint with whipped topping (some centers paint with shaving cream but this is really not safe to do). Make sure that the table is disinfected first and that each student has washed his or her hands first. Then they can paint and taste at the same time.

Another fun idea is for craft is to let each child make a 3 dimensional snowman out of bakers clay or salt dough. Let the snowman dry for several days or bake in the oven on low heat, then the child can paint his or her snowman however they wish.

Let the children make snow sculptures using cotton balls. Place torn up cotton balls in some glue, then let the children sculpt a 3D sculpture on construction paper. If you do not have cotton balls on hand, try using mini marshmallows glued to paper.

For dramatic play, you can set out sets of boots, gloves, scarves, jackets and snowpants and the children can play dress up. Or you could leave some scrap paper in the dramatic play area and let the children have a snowball fight. They simply just crumple up the paper and throw it at their friends.

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Create an ice skating rink by placing paper plates in a large area. Children take two plates and place them under their shoes, then glide away. Place some nice music so the children can feel like they are really skating at a rink.

Children can make igloos in the block area with the wooden blocks that you already have. Or you could use rinsed out milk jugs to create neat igloos.

Make up a batch of snow dough. Just use your regular playdough recipe, but do not add any coloring, keeping it white. Then add some iridescent glitter. Set out some cookie cutters shaped as snowmen or snow flakes and let the children “make” snow cookies.

For science, you can set out a pie tin with snow, a pie tin with ice cubes, and a pie tin that has been filled with water and frozen. Children predict which tin will melt the fastest and record their answers.

For games, try playing pin the carrot on the snowman. Just make a large snowman face and a few carrots. Blind fold children and let them take turns pinning the carrot on the snowman.

You can also gather up some snow, or use crushed ice if there is no snow available. Place it in your sand and water table with some children’s gloves. Provide some shovels and molds so children can create whatever they please.

These are just a few ideas to make your preschoolers day filled with all kinds of fun that they will remember for a life time.