Wine Review: Fat Bastard Wine – Great Wine for Under $10!

Now what is better than a conversational starter such as Fat Bastard wine? Seriously, my sense of humor is not that off, it truly is a wine company that is based out of France. Not only does it come with a fantastic name but it is also a great bottle of Chardonnay White wine for less than $10.00! Who could go wrong with it?

Some friends of my husband and mine were coming over the other night and they stated on the telephone that they were being the “Fat Bastard”. At first I thought, ouch, I hope she is not talking about her husband. Little did I know that it was the wine she was talking; thank goodness, otherwise it would have been a long night with the couple in our house.

Apparently there is a short story about how the company evolved its name into the corporation that it is today. A French wine maker, Thierry had his British industry rebel friend, Guy, over to taste a few experimental wines that were just completed with the aging process. One night they both stayed up until the wee hours of the morning trying out all the wines without any luck with the “perfect one”. So, the two ended up calling it a night and took to sleeping in the next day. Thierry offered one more wine to Guy, one that had unlike the other wines sat in the wine barrel on the lees (yeast cells). The wine was unlike any other that the two had tasted and were quite impressed with the overall taste and body. In fact, Thierry (of French descent) stated in a French accent, “now zat iz what you call eh phet bast-ard”. The two laughed so hard that they chose the comment as the name of the company and has stuck still today.

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The Fat Bastard Chardonnay wine is a great find though, we were eager to see what a “fat bastard” tasted like since we had never had it. Following the directions that any good wine drinker knows, we opened the bottle and let it breath for about thirty minutes while we impatiently waited. Then, we poured the bottle into four glasses and had our go at the Fat Bastard Chardonnay.

Similar to other common chardonnays, this one has a slight yellow tint and clear of all sediments. Unlike other chardonnays though there is not a strong alcohol scent that usually comes with the territory (13.6% alcohol). The taste is remarkable for a wine that doesn’t break the pocket book. The taster notes on the main website state, “Round in the mouth with white flower aromas and a long, toasty finish.” Although all four of us did agree it did do its rounds in the palate of the mouth, we did not taste the toasty flavor. In fact, immediately my husband and I both tasted pineapple for some reason.

We would definitely purchase this wine if we were thinking about a wine under ten dollars. In fact, it would be perfect paired for a party or just sitting at home with some robust cheese and wheat crackers. Since it is light, I would also agree that it would be great alongside a loaded salad. It is just one of those wines that you don’t worry about the price and can be content by the taste.
