Windows 7 the Biggest Joke of the Year

When looking around for a new operating system you might want to over look the Microsoft Windows 7 Program. There operating system is one of the biggest jokes of the year. They are not only trying to take advantage of the consumer, but their program also has some kinks that need to be worked out.

The Problems With Microsoft Windows 7

These are some of the things that they need to work on before they can even quote this as a good operating system. When going to buy Windows 7 you should note that you need Microsoft Vista to even set up the Windows 7 program. Now this is where the problems come into play, no retail stores sell Vista any more. Some have even stated the Vista was a cruddy operating system and so they just do not sell them. Well then why in the name of all things holy would you be selling a program that no one can run without it? It has now left the consumers to have to look for Vista at places like Ebay and other online auction sites. This is something that will end up costing Microsoft in the long run. It seems to be reported that Windows 7 is much slower then Vista and Xp and even have stated that the program has stalled while on the internet. Now we all as consumers know how much it costs for the internet. So the question is why would we want to buy something that would stop us from performing our daily routines? We wouldn’t and there is no reason for it to be slower the Vista remember they had stated that Vista was a lower quality version and that is the main reason for upgrading to Microsoft Windows 7. Now you can see were there might be a contradiction in what they are trying to say, but I guess to say anything will get you the sales that you are looking for. They also have found Windows to have a new Bug in there program. That is all anyone needs, to install a new program only to find that there is a bug in it. Some even get the new program to get rid of viruses ect. That they might already have on their computers, so why not make a switch and get a bug and get rid of the virus. No one is willing to do this and if they are there might be a little bug in their brains. This whole program is filled with various bugs and so if you are looking for something better as an operating program, you might want to look elsewhere then Windows 7 until they get all the kinks worked out, otherwise you might get more problems then you have asked for. Some have said that there is not much of a difference compared to Vista. So it might just be best to stick with Vista or XP for the time being as these two programs are not as bad as some will let you believe.

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The Good Things About Windows 7

This is as told by Microsoft as there are not many consumers that have anything good to say about windows 7. So of course take this with a grain of salt because this is coming out of the mouths of the people that want you to buy this product. Windows 7 is supposed to be able to use their snap option to be able to compare 2 files at the edge of the screen. With their play to option this is supposed to be able hook your PC to other devices in your home and it is compatible with them. This program is supposed to have less system messages and alerts.

Now the reason that I say suppose to is because a lot of these things that it claims that the system does, it really does not . One of the reasons that the consumer of this product is growing more and more upset. The lack of performance leaves a lot of people skeptical of even purchasing this product. What they should put on the box in big red letters is “Buyer Beware.”

If you are looking for a good operating system that has optimal performance, you are best to just stay away from Windows 7. It will save you the time, money and headache that come with this product.

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