Why You Should Visit Bermuda

There are many different travel destinations to choose from whenever you decide to book a trip somewhere. Whenever it comes time to make this decision, do you want to end up somewhere you can relax and have peace and quiet, or maybe some place that you can have an amazing wild adventure? Why not have both and just book the next vacation to the Bermuda islands? The decision to do so will not leave you or your family disappointed.

With so much to offer, Bermuda is the absolute perfect destination for family oriented fun and relaxation. From the crystal clear waters and the breath taking scenery, to the amazing caves and friendly atmosphere, there is no wrong decisions here. Because of the island’s size, Bermuda has only three main towns, all of which can be seen in only a couple of days. From around the airport in Bermuda it was only a seven minute drive to the original capital St. George, and about a fifteen drive to the island’s largest city Hamilton.

I was lucky enough to get to stay near St. George at a beach resort called Grotto Bay with my girlfriend and her family. The location of the place that we stayed was a perfect distance from everything that you would need. After doing a bit of touring it was apparent that any place on the island was really perfect distance from everything. Being use to living in a landlocked town with so many different kinds of businesses and surrounding cities, it was an amazing change to be in a place surrounded entirely by water and be able to see emerald blue water almost the entire time you are driving around the island.

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In the resort that we stayed in, I had the opportunity to check out some amazing caves that were over 500,000 years old. The resort itself offered all the water activities and scuba diving lessons, so there wasn’t just an old cave to check out. The two entrances to the caves wouldn’t have been a 1 minute walk from the room that we stayed in. The first trip into the caves really was overwhelming for both me and my girlfriend. The enormous rock formations all around the cave are really brought out by a aqua blue water that is crystal clear. The entire entrance in the cave is well made and steps are cut into the rocks to walk down. I found this to be one of the most relaxing places to visit.

One thing that surprised me about my stay in Bermuda was the still and calm waters. Going for a swim in Bermuda is like being in an enormous clear pool all to yourself. We also found that the water conditions were perfect for snorkeling as well as you could see all the wildlife in the ocean with the clear, still water. One of the greatest things about my trip was the opportunity to check out some amazing wildlife at the Bermuda Aquarium, Natural History Museum and Zoo. There I got to see many odd looking and beautiful types of sea life, as well as go through an amazing jungle-like walk through a controlled environment that featured many monkeys, and amazing types of birds all around you without any kind of fence. Joking with the little monkeys became one of the most memorable moments of my trip.

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In addition to all the wonderful things about Bermuda, the food in Bermuda was excellent. There is a well known restaurant called “The Swizzle Inn” that was not a five minute walk from our room that offered some of the best tasting food that I have ever had. Not that the food was much different from anything on an American restaurants’s menu, it was just the taste of everything. One thing is for sure, if you are considering checking out the Swizzle Inn’s menu, the “butt kickin’ nachos” is enough for an entire family. Also, the absolute best chicken quesadilla I have ever stuck in my mouth came from this place. One of the things that makes the environment of the restaurant unique is the inside where near every single inch of the walls are covered in messages that go back years and years.

As far as store bought food that you would typically go and buy here, you can find in Bermuda too. Most all of the major brands that we have are shipped to the island. An interesting thing about the drink Sunkist; in Bermuda the Sunkist can says on it “Made by real Bermudians,” which for some reason gives the drink a great flavor that can’t be found in the American version. Whenever buying groceries or anything for that matter everything is really simple money wise because they accept American currency and their money value is the same as ours.

Everywhere that you visit in every single shop or place to eat that you go to, you are greeted by the most polite and bright people. The overall feeling that you get from the people in Bermuda in itself is something that will always be remembered. The feeling of just living life at it’s best in the most beautiful atmosphere, and having no real noticeable every day problem like we American’s do is something that you take with you. Life is really simple in Bermuda for the local people and the environment is amazing stress free.

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When touring the city of Hamilton, we got to experience every day life for the students who went to Bermuda schools and rode the bus everyday. It was just really cool to see how none of the middle school kids really pointed me or my girlfriend out for being tourists or anything, and the entire ride into the next part of the city was really comfortable. Seeing all the students in uniforms really made me appreciate coming from a school where a dress code like that wasn’t established, even though the code really didn’t seem to affect the spirit of any of the kids.

Overall, Bermuda left me with lifelong memories that I will have forever. Everything from amazing wildlife and the perfect serenity of the caves I got to explore, to the kayak rides and the mouth watering food. A trip like this was really something that I thought I would never get to see, and I appreciate every single moment that I took from it as will you and your family if your next trip happens to be to Bermuda.