Why You Should Not Immunize Your Children

One highly debatable topic amongst parents is that of mass immunizations. Those who are pro-vaccinating look at those of us who do not vaccinate as misinformed, paranoid and radical. You are to believe that those horrow stories you hear linked to the side effects of immunizations are simply that-stories. BUt there is triuth out there, truth your doctor does not want you to know. Truth many doctors themselves do not even know. The medical community claims that these mass-immunizations have all but wiped off a multitude of diseases and daily protect us from others. But the fact is, these diseases were consitently dropping at a steady and increasing rate YEARS before teh introduction of mass immunizations, simply through the introduction of teh practice of doctors washing thier hands before treating a patient.

The risks of administering these inoculations to our youth is chilling. Some of these contain a weakened version of a disease which ones body fights off with it’s own immune system and thus builds up immunity to. But what about those whose immune system is weakened and cannot effectivly fight off these foriegn, and often deadly, germs? Most are from dead strains of the disease that they are meant to immunize against…..or are they? Can you really know for sure what the doctor is injecting into your child’s body? In 1955 Cutter Laboratories FAILED TO KILL THE POLIO IN THIER VACCINE and seventy thousand people contracted teh Polio virus after recieving the vaccine. Two hundred were paralyzed due to the illness and ten more died. And this was not the only time such tradgedy struck involving mass immunizations.It is a deffinite red-flag cause for concern when we as parents so willingly, without research or question, put our children’s very lives into the hands of Pharmeuceautical companies where a “mistake” can mean death as the ultimate outcome.

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The list of side effects that can occur with teh administration of immunization is staggeringly long. Not only is the frequency of occurence higher than you have been led to believe, but they have also been PROVEN to have been linked directly to immunizations. Some of these side effects include: screaming fits, siezures,blindness, coma, vommiting, increased heart rate, asthma, ADHD, speech and physical growth delays and even death. You may argue that these are extreme examples that occur in rarity and thus are not a cause for any real concern. But teh truth is, the numbers are higher than your Pediatrician would want you to know. Since it’s inception, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has recieved a total of eight thousand,two hundred and thirty seven vaccine-related injury claims, and those are only from parents who are educated enough to see the link.

In 1998 France became the first country to stop requiring teh Hepatitis B vaccine. This was due to countless reports of children developing chronic arthritis and symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis after recieving the vaccine. Jane Orient, MD, made this statement at a Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resource hearing: “Children younger than fourteen are three time smore likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after recieving the Hepatitis B vaccine than to catch the disease.” In 1996 there were eight hundred and twenty seven serious adverse effects in children after recieving the vaccine. During that same time there were only two hundred and seventy nine cases of teh actual disease itself. A child who receives the chicken pox vaccine is faced with a very high liklihood that they will still contract teh disease as an adult, when the risks for serious side effects is greater. BUT, if a child contracts the chicken pox disease naturally, he will have less severe symptoms, teh virus will have a shorter duration, and the child will thus be immune FOR LIFE.

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MOst parents, though, are not aware they even have a choice. But all fifty states grant exemptions to immunizations. And we as Americans have the privelege of informed consent when it comes to medical care in this country. Informed consent, as defined by the Obstetric-Gynecological Services is:

1)The patient is informed about the processes contemplated by the doctor including whether it is new or unusual.
2)The patient is informed of the risks.
3) The patient is informed of chances of recovery after treatment.
4) The patient is informed of alternative treatment.

Unfortunatly, parents are rarely offered enough information to suffiecently inform any consent they might give. In fact, I have heard of many cases where the parent was kicked out of a doctors office after refusing or wanting to delay certain vaccinations fo rthier children. My own four childrne are not vaccinated at all and are far healthier than thier peers who are. They instead follow a simple regimen that includes breastfeeding as long as they desire to, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sunshine and physical excersice. To take a step off of the beaten path can be scary at first, but the mnore you do so, the louder your hearts voice will become. Proof is in the pudding, so they say. Over eight thousand parents who claimed vacines harmed thier children to the VICP cannot all be wrong! Do your research and think twice before that next needle is slipped beneath the flesh of your child. Your choice comes with a risk…..and that risk is steep. Informed consent is crucial. Think about it.

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