Why Should I Study My Genealogy?

Who Cares about my Family History Anyway? Why Do I need to know?

Family history is not something that has ever really been discussed in my family. We know who is alive and a little about those who aren’t with us, but that’s it. However, it’s something that needs to be looked at. It’s often overlooked and not thought about until it’s too late. There are many reasons that it is important to know about your heritage.

1. There are many hereditary health problems that are passed from generation to generation. When studying genealogy any of these conditions that you may have or may be a carrier of will come to light. This will help when you are in need of medical care. You will be able to give your medical provider a more accurate picture of your family medical history. It will also help with family planning. There are some genetic conditions that are passed down from mother to child and knowing which conditions you have will help when planning your family.

2. Studying genealogy gives an individual an understanding of history. History isn’t just world or state related events. History is anything that makes up and shapes a person’s life and family. A person’s family history shaped the people in their life which in turn shaped them and their life. Studying genealogy will give an individual a new appreciation and understanding for the events that shaped the lives of their relatives and ultimately them as well.

3. Studying genealogy is a perfect method to teach student how to research. Students would have to interview relatives, use public records, and other resources to determine their genealogy. It is a perfect method to teach home school children or even children in a classroom setting how to research.

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4. When you know where you have come from you are tied to your relatives and are proud of your heritage.

5. Tracing your genealogy also gives you a way to know where you come from geographically. Geographic locations shape us just as much as anything else. Knowing where ancestors come from will help understand what traits you have from the location of your family heritage.

6. Tracing your genealogy creates an incredible legacy for future generations. It is an important record to be documented and handed down that your decedents will treasure.

7. Some religions and other organizations require that you have a record of your genealogy. Some religions even worship ancestors.

8. Studying genealogy is a hobby that teaches you about you. It is perhaps the only hobby around that can tell you about what makes you, you and why.

9. Studying genealogy can teach you about your last name and its origins which also shaped your family’s heritage.

10. Studying genealogy will give you a look at history and the events of the past and how your ancestors were impacted or what role they played in the historical events. (Were they a Governor? Did they fight in the Confederate or Union army? Were they in the Revolutionary War? What role did they play in the Salem Witch Trials? Etc…)

There are so many reasons to study genealogy that this list could go on and on. Studying your history is very important and fun. It is such a fun hobby that it is not even really a task. Enjoy learning about your history and where you came from and use that information to power where you are going. Make your ancestors proud.

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